Good things - Morgan x Reader

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I let out a sigh as I walk to the coffee shop I work at. Just another day like yesterday and the day before I think to myself as I look at the small sign in front of the store. Why can't anything interesting ever happen here?! 

I let out a small groan as I walk into the shop and inhale the usual scent of coffee. As said before, nothing interesting. As I walk to the back to get on my apron, I pass my coworker, who also happens to be my best friend and the only reason I work here.

"Heyy! So, how's your little crush on that celebrity going?" She asks loudly with a smart ass smirk on her face.

"If you don't shut the hell up, imma super glue your mouth shut so you can never talk again" I threaten, slightly joking.

I hear the bell above the door chime, signaling someone is coming in. "Welp, looks like I gotta go now." I say as I put on a fake ass smile and walk to the register, not even looking up at the customer.

"Hi! Thank you for choosing *insert coffee shop name* what can I get for you?"

"Hi. Can I just get a black coffee?" I hear an Australian accent say. I finally look up and stand there shocked. There stood Morgan Davies. THE Morgan Davies. I try to act cool and look back down at the screen.

"Absolutely! Anything else I can get you today?" I ask, my voice shaking slightly

"No, that'll be it" Morgan replies

"Alrighty! What's the name for this order?" I ask, trying to act like I don't know who he is

"Morgan. Morgan Davies" he says, he tone seemingly cheerful

I look up at him and smile. "Absolutely! That will be $2.50!"

I press the card button on the screen and he puts his card into the chip reader and the payment goes through

"Alrighty! We'll have it right out for you!" I smile and hand him his receipt. "Have an amazing day!"

He walks away and I hurry to the back to make his coffee

"Oh. My. God. F/n! THE Morgan Davies just came in and ordered!" I squeak out and fangirl silently

We talk about how it went as I make his coffee. I bring it out and call for him.

"Morgan!" I call and he walks up. "Here you go! Have a great day"

As he grabs the coffee, our fingers touch and I blush.

"I'm sorry, and I know you probably have a very busy day ahead of you, but do you think I could get your autograph! I'm sorry if that's weird, but I'm a huge fan!" I say before he leaves. I look down as to hide my embarrassment from him.

I see him reach for a napkin and the pen next to the computer. I look up and see him signing it and I smile and look back down, at a loss for words.

He slides it over to me and walks out, yelling a quick thanks as the door shuts. I look down at the autograph and see something else. Something... not so autograph-like. It almost looks like... a number? Huh.. is this his phone number?

I pull out my phone and text the number, waiting for a reply. Almost immediately, I get a reply.

Number: who is this?

I panic and type out a quick response.

Me: I'm so sorry to bother you. But this number was written on a napkin and handed to me. I'm so sorry.

Number: ohh. So you did see it? I'm glad

I blush, now knowing that this was his number and that he gave it to me.

I continue texting him throughout the day when I would get the chance. When I get home and get ready for bed, I send him a goodnight message.

As I lay in bed, I begin thinking. I guess good things really do come to those who wait. I smile at the thought and close my eyes and fall asleep.


Word count: 690 words

A/N: I am so sorry for this imagine! It sucked so bad!! I haven't written any fanfiction in MONTHS, so I'm a little rusty. Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed! See you all soon and be sure to leave requests under the characters you really wanna see!!


Morgan Davies characters x reader imagines Where stories live. Discover now