Chapter Two ✩ First Impressions

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The tension had broke with the appearance of the random guy. The hanging lights had flickered as Kanae completely faced the mystery man. Kanae had never seen him before, but he for some reason was convinced that they were an item.

Kanae's face went blank watching the glowing man before her. As many of the other party goers hadn't cared about her spat with Leiko, the presence of the man was more important to them. Probably from how ethereal he had looked.

He gave her lopsided grin stepping forward towards her. "Cat's got your tongue?"

His costume was an all white ensemble with fake angel wings protruding from his back. He accessorized with a halo headband to complete the look. His snow white hair and blue eyes made him look celestial, even mystical in the devilish place. He slipped on his dark round shades teetering them on the bridge of his nose.

His fingers cupped her chin gazing her outfit head to toe. "I've been waiting to see you all night. It seems like it was worth it."

His touch was gentle yet firm as his eyes implored into hers. Kanae should have moved right then and there, she should have slapped his hand away, but there was something telling her to trust him. Compared to everyone else she had saw that night, he carried a different aura with him. Her cheeks tinted a warm pink, as any compliment from someone as gorgeous as him carried weight.

I don't know this man. Who the hell did he think he was?

"You? Your Kanae's new boyfriend?" Leiko broke into a laugh. "That's funny. Are you sure you want to stick around? Her last boyfriend literally disappeared. Not a trace in sight. And so with the previous one, the one before that, and you would probably be next unless you avoided her."

Those words ticked Kanae off. They only edged her to unpredictably act. Her legs moved on their own, stepping into his embrace wrapping her arms around his neck. The hesitance told her that he wasn't expecting to go this far into it, but he had reluctantly hugged back to keep the facade going.

His arms snaked around her waist and he nuzzled his chin into her neck as he glanced at Leiko. "Did you say something?"

The nonchalant behaviours made Kanae smirk because she knew that Leiko was losing her shit.

"A-A hug..? Be fucking for real. That doesn't mean you are an item."

It was palpable that Leiko had not wanted to believe Kanae could pull someone like that. Someone like that comes scouring Tokyo for her. Well that's what she liked to believe. Not a stubborn klutz that's first impression on everyone is hate.

The two softened their hug as they both stood before each other with their arms hooked around one another. Kanae had her arms slinked around his neck whilst he held her waist. Her plump chest had pressed against his own as she glanced at her reflection in his shades. Hugging was one thing, but doing more with a stranger was plain wrong. Witnessing his lip twitch, it was clear he had stepped forward to help her put Leiko in her place, but they only dug her own grave deeper.

Had Kanae ever randomly kissed someone? No, of course not! Every intimate act she ever had with someone was because she had committed to them. She was not one to be sporadic, or establish huge lies. Maintaining them would be difficult. Especially a fake relationship.

Noticing the two hesitate, Leiko cleared her throat as she regained composure. "Hah! I knew it. Kanae you are fucking weak. You think you can just pull someone like him. With your fucked up life and personality, no guy would want—"

Those words stung Kanae. A rush of adrenaline thrashed through her body, mimicking an instantaneous power surge. The arms that hooked around her fake lover's neck had now cupped his cheeks. As he gently squeezed her hips she leaned up and hungrily pressed her lips on his.

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