Chapter Sixteen ✩ Hippie B-Day [Part 3]

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The effects of the alcohol scaled the party scene. The once joyful circle of friends had diminished into one of woozy defeat. The game of 'Would you Rather' had gone on a bit too hard and for a bit too long. Many of them were questioning why they entertained the game in the first place.

"I think it's time to call it a night." Utahime whispered to Mei Mei who shook her head.

"Not yet. The night is just beginning."

Many were exhausted just like Kanae who was slumped and found comfort against Geto's arm as he himself attempted to stay afloat. He hadn't taken much alcohol but he could not deny he was slightly inebriated.

"I feel like crashing." Kanae rubbed her eyes. "Food doesn't even sound good anymore."

With all the liquid rotting in her system, she gagged at the idea of food. She wanted nothing more but to find her bed and sleep. The next morning was going to be horrid. She wasn't looking forward to the impending hangover.

Mei Mei and Shoko seemed to be one's who had a strong resistance to the hard liquor. Kanae and Utahime had a terrible tolerance to alcohol compared to the others, while the rest were tipsy. As they drank their coherency away, Kanae discovered new things about her classmates. She had yet to decide whether it was good or not.

She had a difficult time comprehending Nanami not being 'Mr. Perfect' as he had committed to things she thought were out of his realm of organized chaos. The more alcohol that ran through her system, the more obnoxious she appeared. Anytime he drank, her eyes narrowed at him in disappointment. When sober, he had to rectify his image of himself with her.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, Gojo completely surprised her. He had drank but not as much as the others. The playboy-ish and womanizer identity was once a lifestyle that he had stepped away from. Relationships were not his thing as the thought was often boring to him. No one had ever given something to want and yearn for. He was a strategic and cautious flirt. There was a childish nature yet old mature mindset to it all. After all, Gojo Satoru was someone who could have the world at his fingertips.

Most males would treat the selection of women as if they were in a candy store. Though he had some respect for himself, enough to preserve his most intimate parts.

Did this make Kanae confident when it came to him? Probably not.

What Gojo considered entertaining could fluctuate. There was no telling how easily he could get turned off by things.

There has to be more to this. Every girl can't be that boring right? Kanae pondered. Then again they all might just want the same thing from him.

"Well forget about food. The whole point of playing that game first was to ensure 'truth or dare' would be more fun." Alcohol was a strategic way to get them all loose.

"Chaos and fun are not the same things." Geto remined Mei Mei. "We should dance or something. I think we know each other well enough."

Mei Mei scoffed. "Dance? Barely anyone can actually dance here. It will be embarrassing watch you guys attempt to move to melodies."

Kanae pictured Nanami and Geto side-by-side attempting a stiff two-step whilst Gojo flails around like a rambunctious child before committing to a crazed worm dance. Whether they decided to do it or not, this sight sure was cannon in her head.

"I assure you that I can dance. As the birthday boy I will gladly laugh, judge and critique your pathetic dance moves." As he laid on his back, Gojo an egregious laugh escaped his mouth.

He wasn't as drunk as Kanae, yet wasn't was tipsy as Geto. He was somewhere in the middle. After a few sips, he laid on the ground strongly regretting his choices as his sharp perception wavered. This was the last time he would ever drink alcohol.

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