Chapter Twenty-Five ✩ Ceilings

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As the days passed, a visible silence was moved through the dorms. The duo of Gojo and Geto had left on Christmas Day for a mission. Their missing presence was surely noticeable and missed by their colleagues especially Kanae.

It was noon on New Year's Eve. Kanae was sprawled across her bed, her torso hanging off the edge as her hairs brushed the ground. It was only midday and her heart already felt like it had sank into her chest.

There was no way Gojo could keep his promise being gone for almost a week now. Sometimes she would feel a pang in her chest thinking that a terrible situation had happen, then she would realize her stupidity remembering it was Gojo and Geto she was thinking about.

They are always successful...right?

She let out an exasperating sigh mimicking the sound of raptor. It was boring not having Gojo barge in her room randomly. It was boring not being teased by him. It was boring not watching his breath hitch in his throat as she let her locks flow. She missed the random moments they shared. It was clear why people hated yet adored him so much. He made everything feel alive.

Grazing her fingers on her chin, she could visualize his touch. He left an impression on her after their last almost kiss. They've had so much 'almosts' she was losing count.

It was a plague in her mind as if the universe didn't want it to happen. She couldn't help but chuckle at the stupid thought of a kiss being the start to something bittersweet. Of course she was going deeper into the world of sorcery, but as time progressed she felt like she belonged. Being there with people that she genuinely cared about her made it feel like home.

Her phone began to rang, her eyes widened at the caller ID as she noticed a familiar photo of her white haired fella. Raising her brow, she sat up putting the phone to her ear. "Hello?"

"Missed me?"

Rolling her eyes, she pouted knowing that she truly was missing him hard, but didn't want to give him the satisfaction of that feeling.

"I've been good here. Seems like you missed me." She paused as she couldn't recall adding his phone number to her contact list. "Remind me of how I got your number?"

He chuckled on his end. "It's simple. I added it. I even blessed you with a photo of me that no one has. Not even me."

Pulling the phone away from her ear, she watching the photo of him. He had taken a photo of his face up close from below. It made her cackle from how ridiculous he had looked. It was an unflattering view for Gojo, but he still managed to look better than her even on her worst days. Her distant laughter made him smile to himself.

"You are staring at it, aren't you~" He cooed through the phone. That laughter gave him life. "I knew you'd like it."

"I can't believe you managed to get this in my phone without me noticing." She held her phone back to her ear shaking her head still amused from it all. She began drawing imaginary circles on her bed. "I'm not impressed. You could've taken a better photo."

"What? You want me shirtless or something? Don't tell me you are that desperate Kanae."  Gojo began to think to himself as he himself began to run imaginary circles on a nearby table. "I guess I've noticed your expression when you've seen me shirtless. I should've been more considerate with your...needs."

Her lips slightly parted before shutting in disbelief. That was the Gojo she knew. He enjoyed observing her trip over him especially for the littlest things. Though the photo in her mind was not as elicit as his own.

Kanae puffed her chest attempting to hold a scowl. She found their whole conversation funny, even dumb a bit, but that'a what made it enjoyable. "You are lucky you aren't here!"

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