Chapter Thirteen ✩ Share

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The sky grumbled as torrential waters plunged from the sky. Gojo had finally gotten time to himself. He was consistently being whisked away on missions for the latter end of November, but now it was December 1st. His birthday month which equates to it being his month.

He was expecting respect and praises from everyone. No matter how bad things got, the month of December never wronged him and he was going to keep it that way.

Today was going to be his lazy day. As he laid in bed, his hands rested behind his head. It was oddly relaxing as the world around him drenched in tumultuous currents.

At a time they were anticipating their first snow, the universe decided violent cold showers. It made him think about the others, including his sensei off doing missions.

He could picture Geto frustrated from the rain. An annoyed sighed would heave out of his mouth, but he would never admit his dander. If he hadn't took an umbrella, he would surely obtain one somehow.

Shoko probably wasn't away on a mission, but she definitely was out and about doing something. He imagined a trip to the convenience store to buy more cigs gone wrong. She probably scoped a grungy alley, hiding in the dingy place and smoking to put her at ease awaiting the weather to calm.

Yaga sensei probably prepared for the weather. It had been awhile and he was off on his own mission as he was preparing to be a principal. Surely he wasn't one to come unprepared...then again, he wouldn't be surprised.

I wonder what Kanae is doing.

Scouring the ceiling, his mind couldn't help but think of her. It had been sometime since they talked. They hadn't spoke much since her first mission and the crème brûlée he left at her door shortly after.

He hadn't planned it, but hearing Geto spending time with her and taking her out to get snacks, pushed him to do something. Feeling joy in treats by Geto after everything they had done prior, left a weird feeling in his chest.

In his mind, it was to 'one up him.' Why would he do that? He wasn't sure, but it was something about witnessing her delight for the cuisine. It was something about her muted plum eyes lighting up in satisfaction. Her whole vibe altered as soon as the creams combed her tongue. As her taste buds danced, her body imbued bliss and confidence.

The image of her face relishing in the delicacies only made his heart afloat. He bit his lip trying to contain a smile. She's really cute.

It was so genuine and real. Nothing he had experienced from any other girl. Whenever he had entertained other girls in the past, it was always interesting seeing them keep a front. When would they break and reveal their true nature? Many could barely eat in front of him, or do regular things before him. How do you get to know someone who doesn't even want to be real in front of you?

But Kanae...she was different.

He couldn't deny that a part of him lusted for her. Every time they were in the same vicinity, he wanted to make a move on her, but he resisted. She knew more than anything that he would kiss her after she had tranced him, so he didn't want to appear desperate. Another part of him contemplated what she had told him weeks prior. What was it again? About his happiness and its limit? When did she become so poetic?

The more he thought about her first mission with him, it felt more like a cheesy date. They technically had kissed—it was all in his head though—still a kiss nevertheless! They enjoyed dessert together and she murdered a curse! Sounded like a date that ended with a bang.

'Fuck!' A loud curse boomed from his wall.

The walls weren't that thin which meant the sound was loud. Lifting himself from his bed, he walked out his room. A smile toyed on his lips finding the perfect way to intrude on her day.

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