Chapter Fourteen ✩ Hippie B-Day [Part 1]

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Specks of white danced onto the concrete from the sky. As the days passed, the weather grew chilly soon to become one with winter.

Exhaling a smokey breath, Kanae stood outside a cafe alongside Shoko who she had been dragged along for the trip. The signs on the building illuminated in the cloudy evening as the sky dimmed faltering into the night.

"You just came back from exorcising a curse. You should be resting." Shoko held the stick of tobacco to her lips lighting up the bud. "Desserts could have waited for tomorrow."

"I can't. I have to get it today."

If it was an average day, she could have waited but today was special. Her original plans was to have the day to herself to prep, but she had been told to go on a last second mission. Thankfully it was a success, but skewed her prep for the plans Geto had on that special day.

December 7th. Gojo Satoru's birthday.

She was planning to get an ensemble of desserts, just as they had the other day, but more diverse and distinctive to test their limits. Now that she was aware Gojo had a sweet tooth himself, it was something they could connect to and with. Plus after falling asleep on his bed watching anime, how she felt towards him was changing. The wall she held up was coming undone and not by him, more of her own wants to explore it. She had promised herself that she would stay away from guys, but maybe just maybe he was different.

I haven't really hung out with him since that night. I hope this doesn't seem weird.

"You want to buy desserts today on Gojo's birthday. Is this your gift to him?" Shoko questioned puffing out a smoke watching Kanae's cheeks tint pink.

After everything Shoko had witnessed herself on both ends, something was extremely clear to her.

"Kanae, you are whipped aren't you?"

"I...I don't know." She couldn't hide from Shoko. "I just wanted to do something nice. He's been pretty helpful and nice to me now that I think about it."

Although he was a tease, there were subtle gestures he had been doing and initiating which convinced her there were more to his actions. One thing about him was that he was a breath of fresh air to the many things happening in her life.

Shoko's cigarette fell from her lips as her mouth gaped open. "Really? It's been just over a month since you guys known each other. You sure this isn't just lust?"

"At first I thought it but I don't think so anymore. I thought he was annoying but my happiest moments as of recent have been with him." Kanae froze hearing the words coming out of her mouth. "Fuck, I do sound whipped."

She couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous she sounded. Shoko chuckled returning thinking about how just a few weeks ago, she was denying anything with Gojo. Now, it was clear she was in a different space. There was a sense of peace the washed over Kanae's face in this acceptance.

"If you are happy, then I'm happy. If that's what Satoru does for you, I think you should go for it." She lit up another cigarette puffing a smoke. "If it hasn't been obvious, he had himself invested in you the moment you two met. Could this be love at first sight?"

"That sounds super cheesy. I would never like someone for just their looks."

I tried that before. That never works. Kanae cringed at her past. Well Gojo's looks does blow him out of the water. I truly hadn't understood the definition of good looks until I got to Jujutsu Tech.

"So you are saying you like his chaotic personality?"

Kanae took an annoyed breath. "I do."

There was never a dull moment with him. Sometimes it was annoying that he was a tease, but it made every moment more lively and lighthearted.

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