14🥀 - Sharing a bed

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[Guys vote before y'all start reading it takes a lot of effort to write something and if you're reading then all you have to do is just click on the star and vote, that's all it takes to encourage someone]

Also shoutout to  @idkbrioooo for being there for me. I love you girl literally!! So glad to have you 😭😭💗💗

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Aaditya's pov-

I had plunged back into the sea of responsibilities, the weight of duties pressing upon my shoulders. There was an abundance of work awaiting my attention, neglected for a brief span during the festivities of our marriage. The looming shadow of extensive projects and unresolved deals with other kingdoms loomed over us. Our own kingdom was still struggling to settle an unpaid debt given to Seemapur, a lingering concern that threatened us with a significant loss due to an eight-year-old loan, extended with additional two years and accumulating interest We had given them enough time already. Though Rajveer was doing his best to assist me with the load, my plate was full with foreign affairs that demanded my immediate attention. I had finished most of the matters in this week but it was exhausting.

The night had stretched its tendrils once again as I made my way towards our chambers. She must have already been asleep by now. As I entered the room, she wasn't on the bed; I took a  quick scan around the room only to find her on the couch.

Oh God, she's chosen to endure discomfort on the couch, probably for my sake. While I do admit the couch is hardly fit for a peaceful sleep, She didn't have to do all of this for my wellbeing, I was okay with sleeping on the couch until she's comfortable enough around me. Determined, I changed into more comfortable clothing, resolving to make her move to the bed. After freshening up, I returned to the couch and crouched down, her face partially veiled by cascading hairlocks. My hand moved instinctively, gently tucking her hair behind her ear. She looked so pretty even while sleeping as the room was lit with moonlight.

With a tenderness that wouldn't disturb her rest, I lifted her into my arms, she swallowed hard and I immediately knew She was awake, but was pretending to sleep. I suppressed a chuckle, placing her on the bed and covering her with a blanket.
Before I could go back to sleep on the couch her fingers gently wrap around my wrist, halting my movement. She got up as I watched her slowly open her eyes, hesitantly before she called me.

"Hukum..." I puzzled over her choice of addressing me this way instead of my name, vowing internally to inquire later as I turned to face her.

"Yes, Ragini. What is it?" I asked turning around to face her

"Hukum, please don't sleep on the couch. It's not comfortable, and your neck and shoulders are already sprained."

"It's not that big of a deal; I am fine."

"No- Hukum, please. You should sleep on the bed," she insisted, concern filling her words.
I look at her, and she lowered her gaze. Taking a step toward her, I continued,

"If it is not comfortable, then why were you sleeping on it?"

"Hukum, please..."

"Alright, but only if you sleep on the bed too," I proposed, and her head jerked in my direction, her cheeks tinted with a charming blush.

"Ji, aap... woh-hum..."

"Don't think too much, Ragini. I won't touch you until you're comfortable with me, hmm?"


I made my way to the bed, and we settled on our respective sides. The comfort of the bed embraced me, and I fell into a deep slumber


As the night held its breath, and sleep began to relinquish it's grip on me, a gentle movement nearby stirred my senses. I eased my eyes open, only to discover a hand on my midriff, my wife snuggling closer to me seeking the warmth of proximity. She tugged herself very close to me as her head rested on my bicep while A soft, contented smile graced her lips as she mumbled something in her sleep, lost in the tapestry of her dreams. She snuggled more into me.

I couldn't help but wonder about the dreams that provoked such a lovely expression. What visions danced in her slumber? Were they fragments of joyous memories or promises of a beautiful future yet to unfold? What was it that made her smile

A surge of tenderness washed over me, and I instinctively pulled her closer, wrapping my arm protectively around her. She fits perfectly in my arms as if we were custom made for each other. All of a Sudden I wanted to be a part of the dreams that painted her sleep with such grace. My gaze caressed her delicate features, tracing the contours of her face, captivated by the beauty within each detail. The gentle moonlight filtering through the window delicately illuminated her, revealing the little mole on her nose and the ones below her eyes on her right cheek.

Her long, thick lashes framed her eyes, highlighting the captivating charm of her eyes. Tresses of dark silk cascaded around her, framing her face and accentuating the cute dimple on her left cheek. The serenity of her face, the gentle rise and fall of her chest as she breathed, the soft plump lips, they looked so kissable and I had a sudden urge to know what they taste like- but I shove it away.

I was taken aback by the details of her, a gentle affection growing within me. Torn between dreams and reality, I cherished this close bond, appreciating the calm beauty of the moment. A quiet wish formed in my mind, hoping her dreams matched the loveliness of her smile. In the stillness of the night, I held her close, reveling in this deep connection that words couldn't capture.

It was evident she cared for me, though she hesitated to admit it. I saw her concern today when she tried to sleep on the couch, allowing me to rest more comfortably on the bed. But she should have known it, no matter how much ignorant and unaffected I appear, I look after my people. When I promised her parents to keep her happy and content and not have any minor inconvenience I didn't joke about it, I actually meant it and I am capable of keeping my words. Meri patni pure that baat se hi rahengi, Pratapghar ki hone wali Ranisa hai wo!

Caught in the peace of the night, I must have drifted into slumber while admiring her grace.


Suddenly, a surge of pain jolted me awake, disoriented and gasping. I had stumbled down the bed with an unexpected force, my back aching from the fall. In the haze of sleep, I let out a groan, my voice tinged with discomfort, instinctively holding onto my back where the ache gnawed at me.

It took a moment for my surroundings to come back into focus, the fog of sleep lifting gradually. I tried to figure out how I had fallen down the bed during my sleep, I knew how to fucking sleep and I am not the one who falls around randomly unlike my wife. 

I attempt to shift causing this untimely tumble. I winced, shifting to find a more comfortable position, trying to ease the throbbing pain that now resonated through my back.

Ragini stirred on the bed, roused by the commotion. Concern flashed in her eyes as she noticed my discomfort.
"Oh god,hukum, are you alright?" she asked, her voice laced with worry.

She got down quickly from the bed and sat beside me!


Hope  you enjoyed this part
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