33🥀- Morning kisses

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....... 🥀 .......

Aaditya's  pov-
I saw her sleeping peacefully In my arms as a smile made It's way On my face.
It's not that I Don't want to give her things she craves for, the love, the attention, I want to give her everything but the things I've known are disturbing enough to get love off of anyone's mind.
I know my parents were killed, I very well know that and my own father was her murderer, The letters with the hints I'd received kept me confused but when I was younger and the incident had taken place I'd met the prisoner Bhanusingh; he was the one who drove the chariot of my mother and father told me that it was all planned by my father.
He said Bapusa suddenly stopped the carriage and Bhanusingh saw him dragging Maa-sa out of the carriage (the description made my blood boil even though he didn't spend much time with us when we were kids I never expected him to be this), running far away and stabbed her and they both fell. Bhanusingh said he couldn't stop them because he even stabbed as well by my own father.

I remember as kids me and rajveer insisted a lot to go with him that day but he declined again and again. I still regret not forcing him enough to take us, maybe we could've saved maa-sa or maybe we would have died too but in peace.

The world seems so lonely without her!

If he were alive I would have killed him for the dreadful death he gave to my mother. I know it sounds shocking. I was shocked too but grieving does no good right.
He killed h-her, by his own hands, the woman he claimed to LOVE the most.

So easy it was for him, wasn't it?  that he stabbed her to death. Where was HIS LOVE at that time? She was The one whom he had fought for from everyone, keeping his own life on stake. Then why did he do that? What was the reason? why did he take her away from us, we were so young, and We'll never be old enough to bear losing our mother but, Am I on the right track? I Don't know, how was he was killed then, and neither do I plan on knowing this stuff. He can go do hell with his life.

He didn't even think about his own wife, the love of his life, why would that man care about us;

I remember how Maa-sa used to sing a lullaby to me every night to make me sleep. How she used to spend Her whole day playing with us, teaching us things and different skills.

I really wish she were here to see Ragini, to see us grow up, I wanted her to be proud of us, I wanted her to see how far we've c-come.
I lone tear slips from my eye.

I can bet she would've loved Ragini, as far as I can remember they look alike. My hand automatically caresses her head as I watch her sleeping peacefully in my embrace . Thick long hair, pretty smile with dimples, big doe eyes. And this smell, ohh god.

I know no one except me, Badi-maa and vikram bhai-sa is aware of what had happened with them that day but I will not give up so soon. Maybe There's something more to it that I Don't know. I need to do some more digging and know the reasons behind Everything. I have to do them justice and give peace to their soul and I think I can do that, just a little more time Maa-sa, I will not disappoint you!
I close my eyes remembering my childhood memories with her.


I wake up as I hear the faint voice of her anklets. I move around my arm to check but She's not on the bed. Maybe she woke up already but it feels like Its only been a few minutes since I slept.

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