34🥀 - Ragini falls asleep

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Ragini's pov -
I sit in The palanquin as we head back home. Memories from the day start flooded me all over again. I feel a bit tired as we had to walk all the way through markets and temples but it was fun as he had me company.
But my legs are on the verge of giving up now Because of this heavy attire but I think it looked nice. Hukum also carried a shawl of similar colour, close to mine and an old aunt from the crowd approached and said that we looked so good together  - a match made in heaven! But there was a man in the crowd with a constant gaze on us and whenever I tried to get a better look at him he simply vanished away, I think he was just admiring us but this way it'll jinx our bond. I'll have to apply the lemons and chillies around tomorrow.

I was over the moon with excitement when I'd  woken up for the special tour Hukum had arranged for us. His charisma and charm had always intrigued me, and although we were newly married under unusual circumstances, I couldn't help but feel drawn to him.

As we strolled through the enchanting market, Hukum's teasing and playful banter had me blushing and fumbling over my words. It was impossible to ignore the way he had me grinning from ear to ear, despite my shyness. His compliments and mischievous comments made me feel cherished in a way I had never experienced before.

The bangles he chose for me were a testament to his thoughtfulness. I was initially hesitant, but when he slid them onto my wrist with such care, my heart soared. They were not just ornaments; they symbolized something deeper, a connection forming between us.

Yet, what left me bewildered was the contradiction in Hukum's actions and his claims about love.
He often declared his skepticism, but his gestures spoke otherwise.

His protective grasp of my hand in the bustling streets hinted at a level of care and affection that transcended mere flattery. Maybe I was assuming things again but it was better than accepting That he didn't do love.

The moment when the priest blessed us with hopes of bearing a child soon was another puzzling occurrence. I blushed furiously, feeling both embarrassed and delighted at the thought. When I looked at Hukum, expecting him to share my bashful sentiments, he only smirked mischievously, as if he had a secret plan in mind. It left me both amused and curious about the enigma that was my new husband.

The reality of this day was sweeter than any of the romantic novels I had ever read. The vibrant market, the teasing banter, and the unexpected bangles were all elements of a real-life fairy tale that I could have only dreamed of.

Every moment spent with Hukum filled me with butterflies, making my heart flutter with anticipation. It was as if every touch, every stolen glance, and every playful word exchanged between us ignited a spark of excitement I had never experienced before.

Today, as I tried to wake Hukum up, I decided to add a touch of mischief by playfully splashing water from my damp hair onto his face. I expected a playful reaction, perhaps a chuckle or a gentle reprimand. But Hukum surprised me in the most electrifying way possible.

Instead of the expected response, he pulled me close to him, our bodies entwined, and he hovered over me with a mischievous glint in his eyes. He playfully demanded a peck as compensation for my watery surprise, and as our lips met, the innocent kiss quickly ignited into something far more heated and passionate.

In that electrifying moment, I realized that the reality of our relationship was exceeding all the fantasies I had ever envisioned. Hukum was not the playful prince from my storybooks; he was a man who made my heart race, my cheeks flush, and my world turn upside down in the most delightful way possible

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