\\The Selection//

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"WORK FASTER HAN JISUNG." the prince was already yelling early in the morning at jisung for not getting the list ready. (which he did actually get ready AND gave minho but minho left it in his office but oh well whos jisung to complain about the prince.)

"yes yes your highness" he handed the prince the papers and then hurried to get the brush to brush the princes hair. "are they here already?"

"yes some are, once theyre all here ill come call you." the prince nodded going through the list. "will there be any interveiws?"

"no your highness only every sunday." minho nodded again, "ill go have breakfast then, call me when they need me." minho walked away from jisung going to his usual spot for breakfast with a book.

minho was actually very tense, ever since yesterday. Jisung knew it wasnt just because of the selection. however he minded his own business and went to the womens room where the queen would stay normally but now she will be accompanied by 35 other girls. for a snobby queen jisung wondered how shed tolerate them. he knocked on the door before entering, every face in the room looked at him. "Good morning ladies." he smiled widely at them. " Im Han jisung, the Princes personal servant and assistant."

"so ive seen we're almost done, 4 girls are left from sector 7 and then youll get to meet the prince. But before that as you know this room, which youll be staying at your free time or when youre getting ready for an event, is actually shared with the queen. she will be visiting soon to meet you." jisung then heard footsteps from ouside so he decided to check. he saw the the woman in charge of the selection girls, Alice and the 4 girls walking towards the room. he smiled at them as they walked past him and went inside.

"well ladies, best of luck." he kept a smile on his face as he closed the door ready to go call minho. he went to Minho's room and found the door open. worridly he stormed inside to find the king and minho, both of them looking at jisung confused. minhos tense features as usual and the king who looks like he just finished yelling at the prince again. "im- im sorry i- i got worried because the door was open and-and but thats not the point" he caught his breath. " its time my prince." both the king and the prince nodded knowung what jisung was talking about.

"we will continued this later" the king said before heading out first. minho stared at  him leaving then started walking himself and once he walked past  jisung he said. "never call me that again."


jisung opened the door and stepped in announcing loudly "Crown prince is entering!"

all of the ladies stood up, the queen being behind of them. minho stepped in and they all bowed to him. He didnt even smile he just walked to a couch and sat there. jisung announced again "The prince will get to meet each one of you in a one to one conversation" jisung nodded to everyone and went to stand behind the prince. minho gestured jisung to come closer and read out the first name. "Isabella please come forward and introduce yourself to "the prince."

the lady did as she was told. she had brown long hair, all the girls were dressed in a white shirt and trousers to show unity at first. nothing making anyone more special than the other.

she bowed to the prince before taking a seat in front of him, "H-ello..im Is-isabella.." she was very shy and her voice was barely audible. the prince nodded at her his face cold as stone with no emotions or expressions. "youre even more handsome in person.." once she said that minho crossed her name out. "Thank you, next please" he gestured to jisung to escort her out. "But-" she was shocked as jisung helped her stand and escorted her out.

outside there was 3 lines of 35 maids each waiting to escort their ladies either to their room or back to their trains to go home. "please escort her back  to the trains"

"wait what?!" she held into jisungs arm strongly "NO! i cant leave so early." the maids pulled her away freeing jisung as she screamed and cried. jisung entered shaking his head knowing this wont be the last cry of the day.

he stood behind minho again and looked at which name minho was pointing at. he looked at all the tense ladies sitting across the room, they cant hear what minho says until theyre the ne sitting in front of him and they just witnessed how calmly one was escorted and then the loud cries of hers.


"Camila please come forward to meet the prince." the girl with straight brunette here and the widest smile ever walked carefully to the prince. "your highness." she then too a seat, she looked scared but tried to cover it with confidence. "whats your intrests?" minho asked, she smiled before answering. "i really dont know..i dont really have time for intrests or games like other kids. Back home i had to help my parents whenever i could."

minho nodded briefly, "your age?"

"18 your highness."

"do you want to be queen?" he tilted his head a little curious. "i never thought of it...i never expected to be here but..if i would be id try to be a responsible one."

"how could we benifit from you being my wife and the next queen?"

"well...coming from a low class..youd get to understand how your people from a lower class suffer and their perspectives and how you could improve that side-"

"jisung, escort her out." when minho said that the color from her face disappeared. jisung checked whether minho crossed her name out or not before escorting her out. "it was a pleasure your highness" she bowed and followed jisung. once the door was closed and they were out she looked at jisung worried, "im going home right? hes sending me home already?"

jisung chuckled shaking his head. "no no, you made it-"

"SHUT UP" she hit his chest, well playfully but jisung was shocked. "IM SORRY- im sorry" she whisper yelled the secodn time she was apologising , jisung was just laughing at her. "im so sorry please dont send me home. "

"its not my decision Ms camila." he smiled before facing the three maids. "oh look, youve got just the sweetest maids in the catsle" he smiled as the three giggled. "please escort her to her room-"

he was suddenly cut when he felt a pair of arms hugging him. "AHHH IM SO HAPPY!" camila hugged him so tight before leaving with her maids. "cute.." jisung muttered.

to be continued.

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