\\ Friends //

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Just a note :: kinda forget the names I had for the selection so I'll bring up new names and some repetitive. It will be cut down by half and some characters will stay but with different names. Not important tho so yall focus on minsung 😭

~1 royal month later ~

"IS THAT THE BIGGEST YOU COULF GET EUNWOO?" Jisung was losing his mind. It was Christmas time and the whole castle was a mess getting everything ready for the month and he was cramped with his morning lessons, his night gym time, taking care of Minho and the endless meetings and paperwork!"

"I- that's all they offer-"


"Hey hey calm down what's going on" an arm wrapped around Jisung that instantly calmed him down, it was Minho. "You have a sword fighting lesson what are you doing here your highness?"

"Who cares about swords when guns are invented." Minho shrugged then looked at eunwoo. "I like the trees, keep them. Jisung you need a break-"

"YOU THINK?" Jisung glared at him and walked away. Minho apologised to eunwoo and followed him. "Oh crap it's the devil" Jisung mumbled as he saw Celeste coming over.

"My princeee!!" She said as she hugged Minho who was suffocating in the smell of her new perfume. Jisung stood behind her and mocked her making Minho hold back his laugh. "Don't you forget tonight alright ?"

"Of course I won't my lady" she giggled.

Since jisung wasn't a contestant, everyone knew Celeste was the one. It kinda bothered Jisung how Minho even spoke to her knowing Jisung hates her, or how he tried to tell him she's a bad person but he keeps refusing to believe that! It bothers him!

This whole month he was going on dates with all the girls and that doesn't bother Jisung but tonight was already his fourth date with Celeste while everyone got one! Well besides jisung who gets every other night.

"See you later my prince, she planted a kiss at the corner of his lips then left. Once Minho stepped closer to Jisung he was faced with intense wiping, "who does she think herself kissing you!"

"Love I think your wiping a little too harsh I can feel my skin peeling off-"

"No one cares about your skin, mY pRiNcE" he mocked and walked away with Minho chuckling behind him. "Someone's jealous!"

"OF COURSE I AM! Those lips are mine! Can't she see the bite mark on them I left yesterday ?? Clearly marked as someone's property." Jisung rolled his eyes.

"There's a what now on my lips ?!"


"Crown Prince is entering!" Jisung announced at the women's room before Minho entered with his fierce face. "Hello ladies"

They all bowed to him, a few giggling. "Unfortunately today isn't a good day." They all looked with horror at home except Celeste who just looked focused but not scared.

"Today I will be picking The Elite. The last six of you" he nodded as some gasped and exchanged looks. But since Christmas is close, as a Christmas gift I have made something special. Each one of you will be going to a new home in the capital. Big enough for her whole family, and new jobs for each member. They will respected pupils on the capital." He nodded again then walked towards them.

"The Selection"  minsung Where stories live. Discover now