\\where are we going?//

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Minho was placing a saddle on his horse when he felt an icy cold thing on his cheek. "hey!" minho jumped in his place, it was jisung putting...literal ice.. on the prince face. "stop it im fine, seriously han jisung."

jisung giggled and still tried to place the ice on the princes face while the prince tried to avoid it. "come here let me! i have to take care of you!" jisung chased after minho, minho genuinely being annoyed but soon the frown turned into laughs as they ran around the stable. "Han jisung stop!"


minho covering his face didnt notice where has was running and ended up falling on some hay. "your highness are you okay?" jisung rushed to him actually concerned, but minho was fine and laughing his ass off holding his stomach cause of how hard he was laughing. "you run like an old man jisung"

"why do you always call me by my full name?" jisung laughed, minho just shrugged then laughed again. "Come on we're gonna be late" Minho stood up and ran back to his horse, jisung doing the same.

"so where are we going?" jisung asked mounting his horse.

"you'll see"

they went off into the big fields behind the castle, it was a big field with a hill at the end behind the big trees. "what's this place?" jisung asked following minho. at the top of the hill was a a tree that covered the hill from the sun. minho stopped his horse and got off instantly, jisung doing the same with the big basket with him. "its my favourite place"

"really?" jisung smiled as he was placing the mat for minho. "what about your spot in the garden maze?"

"That! thats my second favorite place" minho replied as he sat down on the mat. "jisung knelt on his knees and started taking out the princes lunch with some fruits and dessert for later. "did you get some wine han jisung?"

"no, im sorry your highness" jisung stood up on the side as minho was about to start his lunch. but he didnt and instead looked at jisung confused. "didnt you get yourself any food?"

"oh? no your highness ill eat later." he nodded, his smile never leaving his face.

"no no, come here. theres enough food for the two of us."

"your highness-"

"i insist, in fact, i order you." minho said feircly. "would you say no to my command?"

"no of course not your highness. your every wish is my command." jisung sat next to minho. minhos cheeks turning a slight shade of pink at what jisung said. "exactly, which is why you should always do what i ask you to do"

jisung picked up an apple and started slicing it for the prince. "no no han jisung, eat dont work."

jisung puffed his cheeks then nodded, "hm okay"

"you look like a squirrel when you do that."


the prince insisted after they finished eating that they stay and watch the sun set. "your highness you promised Mia to take her on a date today after lunch"

"lots of time passed since lunch finished for them she probably already knows im not going to show up." minho said as he laid his on jisungs lap, laying horizontally to him. "so like..screw it?" jisung laughed softly, "what? what does that mean?" minho asked confused, his eyes only opening slightly, catching a glimpse of jisungs adorable laugh.

"hmmmm" jisung thought to himself looking into nowhere specific. "like when.. when you dont care! like like, let it be! i dont care anymore about it. get it your highness?" minho smiled at jisungs cute way of explaining, his eyes were open a little more now. "yes, screw it" he smiled a little more looking at jisungs eyes. but his eyes quickly shut after that, "anyways wake me up when the sun starts to set"

"yes your highness"

jisung tried admired the place around them, it was so pretty. from one side you can see the castle as whole, and the other side is a big forest. a cold breeze hit them, jisung shivered at it but the realised minho might get cold. so he took off his suit jacket and placed it gently on minho. whats this for?" minho asked with his eyes still shut. "thought you might be cold"

minho just hummed in response. jisung watched minho napping on his lap, really he didnt have anything else to do. he debated wither he should stroke minhos hair, and it was really tempting to do so. he took a deep breath then slowly gently started to stroke his hair, minho shifted in his place uncomfortably at first but soon stayed calm, liking the action. jisung wanted to start a conversation out of boredom but he respected that the prince wanted to fall asleep.

its really unfair how someone could be this handsome. perfect eyes, with long thick lashes, his long pointy nose, and those perfectly drawn lips. such masculine body yet feminine features. it made Minho seem like the perfect human being jisung thought. God was probably showing off while making him. jisungs thoughts made him laugh although he tried to keep it to himself.

"what is it like to be normal?" minho asked out of the blue, its like he was thinking about it all this time. "being here alone..is the closest to normal i can ever get." minho kept his eyes shut, its like he didnt want to face jisung while asking. "theres no such thing as normal your highness..no matter where your born or who you are..its..its still hard you know? its never easy to anyone."

it stayed silent between them before minho spoke again, "i never brought anyone here before"

"what about your other personal servants?"

"i used to tell them to stay in the castle"

"this is where me and my mom came when we wanted to be normal"

to be continued..

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