\\Minho and Jisung//

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"You're not going to tell my father are you?" Minho looked at the chief butler in horror. "How about we take a seat for now" he gestured at the fountain.

He was an old man, a little overweight and super strict you think he has no emotions at all. He took a seat on the fountain edge with Minho in front of him and Jisung standing behind him with his hands behind his back, "I promise we were just h-hugging" Jisung said.

The chief butler let out a sigh and looked at Minho, "I would never put your life in danger Minho"

"It was always supposed to be like this, watching you from afar and making sure you're safe." Minho looked at him confused, he never really had any real conversation with the chief butler his whole life.

The only time was when his mother died and hugged the chief butler and sobbed into the hug for hours but there was no conversation there either. But he never felt comforted like that before, well not until he met Jisung.

"I was always meant to keep you safe while having no word with you" he smiled sadly. "I don't understand?" Minho asked confused as he felt Jisung's hands on his shoulder. He looked up at Jisung who pressed his lips into a tight line to reassure him. The chief butler took both Minhos hands and caressed them gently.

"When he took you in his arms as a newborn and I watched from afar. I knew this conversation will happen, but I thought your mom would be here with us "

"I don't understand" Minho shook his head refusing to have eye contact as his eyes started filling with tears pushing every thought away.

"And when the king found out...and took away your mother's life..." he shut his eyes tight. "I knew I had no choice but watch you grow, and keep you safe from a distance."

"I don't understand!" Minho kept shaking his head and pulled his hand away. Tears started falling from his eyes but he thought if he shook his head like a maniac then no one will notice.

"Who do you think distracted the king when he had jisung?" He let out a tired laugh "he would've been dead if I wasn't there"

Jisung sat behind Minho and hugged him, calming him down which surprisingly worked. "Minho..you have to... be careful.."

"Please stop talking! Please!" The prince yelled.

"Minho you have to listen to me, I need to keep you safe because he wants to kill you!" The chief butler yelled back. Jisung gulped looking at him silently.

"Minho..he killed your mother. I know you know. I know you know she died killed. By him."

"And I've blamed myself every day Minho. Because it's my fault, because he found out."

"He was never the same to me after she died and I thought...I thought it was because she died not because..." he mumbled

"Minho..you're my..you're.."

"Don't-" he winced "please don't say it"

"It's a mess Minho, really. The king..he's..well..the queen is pregnant and..he thinks it's his real child"

"Even though many doctors have told him that he cannot.."

"Yes he can he's my father!" Minho cried finally looking at him. "Minho listen! Stop convincing yourself! That man has no love for you, and by the end of this week he wants your head off."

He sighed, "he knows you're not his child...he just...doesn't know who's child you are. He had to keep you, to have an heir. Minho if the selection comes to an end he cannot kill you. You must become king."

"No. No. No! No! No! I will not marry any of them! I want jisung! I-I'll leave, tell him I will leave I don't want to be a royal anymore...I just want to be with..Jisung" he stood up but his eyes were glued wide open to the floor with his tears falling into the tiles.

Jisung's head was pressed onto his back and his arms were wrapped tight around him. "You think I haven't told him that already?! He doesn't want anyone to know about this scandal, he wants to get rid of you as soon as possible but Minho if you become king because do the law and the selection...he can't do anything."

"I-i cannot..."

"If you die..he dies too you know?"

That was it for Minho. He felt like he lost his balance. "He- he wouldn't.."

"Minho..he might even use Jisung as a trap. I cannot keep you two safe anymore. The whole castle knows."

"He wants to kill you both before any of these two scandals leave the castle."

"According to plan, he will announce tomorrow and by Tuesday one of you will be dead. But according to my plan, if you announce your final three tomorrow then you must have a fiancé  within two days from announcing according to law..and..you become king by the end of this week or next week which means he has no authority anymore"

Silence filled the place. Minhos eyes were still wide open on the floor and his fists were so tight his knuckled turned white. The chief butler sighed and took a few steps to Minho. Jisung nodded, understanding and let go of Minho. The chief butler took him into his arms and it all went back to the day Minho's mom died.

Minho hugging the chief butler tight and them both crying into the hug. "I'm so sorry I failed you as a father.."


"Jisung!!!" The two walked back into the castle and the part was already over and everyone was in their rooms. Across the halls a voice of a bubble freckled boy rang. The boy ran to Jisung and hugged him, ignoring Minho who looked dead next to him.

"You won't believe what happened! Changbin and I danced together! Aaaallll night! Where were you two all night??? Oooooh I know under the sheets right ? BY THE WAY! me and changbin came up with a cute ship name! Minsung! Get it ? Min from Minho and sung from Jisung, it's adorable!"  He giggles, "anyways everyone is at changbins room again and I was sent to look for you two! Now let's go!"

Felix took Jisung's hand who took Minho's corpse hand. As the sunshine not skipped as they went, Jisung walked behind concerned and Minho walked behind Jisung like a zombie with the puffiest eyes ever.

When they went in Changbins room the silence filled it and all eyes were on Minho's who looked at the floor avoiding any eye contact. General Seo and the two other prince's stood up, already sensing something bad.

"What's wrong?" Felix smile but he was confused, then he looked behind him and finally noticed the state Minho was in. "Oh.."

Minho let out a sigh and finally looked at all of them. Making sure to have eye contact with all before speaking. "I am not my father's son. I am not a royal"

Jisung and Minho took a seat on a couch with their hands intertwined tightly. Minho explained what happened outside, everything that the chief butler said.

Everything was explained, talked about. Even the marriage, but not their relationship.

Nothing was discussed about Minho and Jisung. What will happens to Minho and Jisung.

To be continued...

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