\\ Screw it //

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jisung was sitting on the floor of minho's office with a bunch of wrappers, ribbons everywhere and a hot glue gun. "ah!" jisung cried and shook his hand as he got burned with the hot glue gun for the 5th time now. "Han jisung i told you to be careful" minho shook his head disturbed for the millionth time by jisung today. "yeah well this isnt part of my job! it didnt say anywhere in the contract I had to work with glue guns!" he protested, "well, you work with guns why cant you work with a glue gun?"  minho closed his eyes massaging his temples. "why dont YOU-"

"jisung just work silently." jisung stood up and threw the ribbons on the floor. "im losing my mind!"

"maybe you have something against glue guns"

"uh yeah" he nodded mockingly and then waved his hand "cant you see all this?!"  minho sighed and stood up, im gonna go for a walk. He walked past jisung who was mumbling curses to himself as he was picking at his skin that was burned. "ah fuck i forgot my suit jacket in your office!" he whined like a baby stomping his feet at the floor. "stop being such a child and stop cursing." minho yawned, tired from this long week with jisung.

this whole week theyve been planning the party, and jisung wasnt being his usual disciplined self. he was almost always whining and nagging. Minho and him were fighting constantly over tiny things.












"youre giving me a headache." minho kept massaging his temples as jisung followed behind him in the royal castle, "youve had this headache all week."

"can you guess whats the cause?!" he turned his face to glare at the latter. jisung puffed his cheeks in annoyance and followed until they reached minho's 'secret place'. "your sleeping time is close."

"screw it." Minho was picking up the habit of cursing from jisung, he's like a little kid who repeats every bad word he hears. He sat next to the fountain and looked at the reflection of the stars in the water. jisung stood close to him, watching him play a little with the water and move his finger in circles. the frown slowly disappeared to form a soft smile instead. "you like this place a lot" minho nodded and kept playing around with the water.

"when i was a kid i liked playing with the water in the fountain. id always run here making my mom chase me. id jump in even though shed tell me not to" minho chuckled softly at the memory. "i always splashed her with water but she never got mad" his smile disappeared fast "my father would always yell at us after." he stopped playing with water and intertwined his fingers on his lap, looking straight at the sky.

"you miss your mom a lot?" minho didnt notice when jisung sat next to him, or when his hands reached his hair and started fiddling with it. "yeah I do. " he let out a shaky breath. jisung scooted closer and with both hands he started fiddling around with minho's hair, making tiny loose braids. "may i ask..how did she pass away? it was never..you know..told to the public"

"they said she was sick" the prince's frown was back. "but she wasnt"

"then?" jisung asked curiously, minho looked at him and shrugged. Not wanting to ask anymore questions, jisung smiled warmly at him. "wait"

"hm?" minho hummed as jisung let go of his hair and looked around in his pocket. "found it!" he pulled out some tiny threads of the ribbons he worked with at the office. "look at the other side"

"what? " minho turned his face to the other side confused, he felt jisungs hand brush his hair a little and then felt his hands tug on his hair a little. "ow!"

"im sorry did i hurt you?" minho put his hand on jisungs hand to stop him from whatever he was doing. "no" he pulled his hand fast to his lap. jisung stayed silent and then burst out in chuckled, "why did you say ow then?" minho shrugged and laughed with him. jisung continued to braid minho's hair and then tied it with the string he had.

"im done!"

minho turned to face jisung before placing his hand on the braid to feel it. Heat crept to minho's face as he watched jisung with his widest gummy smile. He was adorable. He just..he had to let it out.

"your smile is adorable" jisung quickly blushed and looked down and as he was almost gonna speak and thank him minho spoke again. "for an annoying person i mean."

"i hate you!" jisung whined again like a baby and lightly hit Minho's chest. Minho giggled softly trying to dodge jisung's hits. he then layed down on the edge of the fountain with his head on jisung's lap watching the stars.

jisungs hand found its way to minho's hair, and for some reason the other was placed on the prince's chest on top of his own hand. "the stars are beautiful" minho mumbled.

but he wasnt looking at the stars, his eyes was glued at jisungs eyes who smiled at his comment. "the stars are up their not at my face" jisung was blushing uncontrollably. "yeah im just looking at something in your nose." minho lied, jisung instantly jumped in his place covering his nose. "WELL THEN DONT LOOK! UGH THIS IS SO EMBARRSING"


"are you sure everything is ready?" jisung was crossing thing out his check board and making sure everything is right for the pyjama party. "the gifts and all?" he checked with the all the organizers and maids before heading to Minho's room. Minho was changing behind a folding dressing screen. "your highness, everything is ready. food is, the place, and the gifts."

"nope not everything" he stepped out the dressing screen with his blue silky pyjamas on and unbuttoned, revealing a little of his chest all the way to his abs and stomach. "what is it your  highness?" jisung asked confused as he stepped closer and started buttoning minho's shirt. "you"

"me?" he was even more confused as he kept buttoning the rest of the shirt. minho silently just pointed at something on his bed. when jisung went over to check it was a matching blue silky pyjama. "you want me to wear this?" jisung turned around to ask Minho, holding the pyjamas. "yes, wear this and we will be ready to go." he walked over to bed and took an extra accessory, one for him and one for jisung. it was dark blue sleeping eye masks. "put this on your head for now, it matches the look."

to be continued.

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