Chapter 6: Painting Portaits of Each Other

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     I woke up in my room.

     I was starving.

     I didn't eat last night yet..

I brushed my teeth and went downstairs. Everyone was downstairs. Breakfast was on the table for anyone to take so I grabbed a plate of it.

Lia and Aria were watching TV with Emiliano and Vincenzo.

Lia scooted over for me to sit and we watched a show together.

Again, our grandfather was nowhere to be found.

"I'm so boredd," one of our cousins said.

"Come watch with us." Emiliano said patting the seat next to him.

"No thanks.."

He stood there thinking of what we could do.

"Why don't we do the competition?"


"What competition?" Lia asked, joining in the conversation.

"Everytime we come over, we paint each other to see if we improved." the cousin said.

"Uhh why?" Aria said, confused.

"Grandfather thinks it's important that we improve." Vincenzo says.

"He does too much though," Emiliano said.

There was silence for a minute.

"Are we gonna do it or what?"


We gathered around the large dining table. Our brothers started gathering, and all of our cousins and grandfather was there.

"Are you joining?" one of the cousins asked grandfather.

He nodded.

He took the seat infront of me.

"What do we do?" Lia asks the cousin beside her.

"We draw the person infront of us," he whispered back.

One of our uncles came and passed around a piece of paper and pencil.

"Is everyone ready?" he asked.

Everyone nodded and he set a two hour timer up.

"Ready, set, go."

Everyone started sketching away. You could pencils hitting the paper.

I was a bit late to start since I couldn't exactly grasp what was going on.

I looked at grandfather, closed my eyes, and pictured it. I started drawing away after that.

I sketched his eyes first, then his nose, then his lips. I don't know how people could draw the face structure first. I always seemed to mess up with that.

After doing that, I added the jawline, and then his hair and neck. He had black hair with strands of gray hair that stood out.

I started adding the details.

I loved adding details. It was so much funner to me. Then, I did the background. Behind him was the entrance to the living room.

The house was confusing like that. I still haven't gotten used to it.

We haven't gotten tutoring sessions for a while. It might be due to having family over. I don't even know how long they're staying.

"30 minutes left." an uncle announced.

I took my time with my drawing. I also shaded the parts that needing shading.

After a while I officially finished. And I sketched on the back of my paper.

"Time's up! Place yours papers right side up on the table." the uncle announced.

It was like one of those cooking shows where time is up and they put their hands away from their dish.

"What now?" Lia asks.

"Our uncles and aunts will be judging them. While they're judging, we wait in the living room." one of our cousins said.


Everyone headed to the living room and waited. You could feel the tension in the air.

"I need to use the bathroom.." I told my sisters.

"Hurry!! They might say the results soon." Lia said.

I went to my room and used the bathroom there. I felt so tired and I didn't know why. I made my way to my bed and laid down.

I then found an envelope on my desk.

"Who put this on my desk?" I muttered to myself.

Should I open it?

Well, it was on my desk.. one part of me said.

What if it's not meant for me though.. another part said.

Maybe I shouldn't then..

     Should I give it to father? But I'm too scared.. Should I leave it on his desk?

     No, I should give it to him. Face to face.. Face to face?!? Yes! I have to..

     I put the envelope in the pocket of my pillow and headed downstairs.

     Lia and Aria ran up to me and jumped on me.

"We did it!!!" Lia shouted.

"Calm down. you're screaming in my ear," I said pushing her off.

"What happened?"

"You won," Aria said pulling Lia away.

"You mean we did." Lia said correcting her.


    I didn't know what to say after that. I wasn't good with expressing emotions which made everything more awkward.

    Everyone was eating and hanging out downstairs after that. I tried to find father but I couldn't see him anywhere.

     Maybe I should just give it up Vincenzo.. I looked for him and he was talking with our uncles.

     Among all of our brothers, Leonardo was the only one that was free. He was leaning against the wall and on his phone.

     I have to do it.. It's a must! One, two, I start walking up to him.

     I hand him the envelop and leave immediately. Well, that was easy. He stood there not knowing what to do and then opened it.

     I went upstairs to my room after and doodled. I didn't have anything else to do. I watched some shows during that time.

    I heard a knock on my door and the door opened. It was father.

"Where'd you get this?" he said with the paper in his hand.

"My desk.." I answered.

    He left my room after asking that. I wonder what was in that letter..

    I feel so tired.. Maybe I should go to sleep. I brushed my teeth and then got into bed. The moon was bright. It was a half moon and there were no hint of clouds.

    There was a couple stars there that was seeable.

    I couldn't sleep though. I felt so tired this entire but I can't sleep. I wonder why that is.

    I go downstairs to get a cup of water and there was no one else downstairs. Everyone else already went to sleep.

     I got a glass of water and sat down on the couch. I could never get tired of the view here. And just like that, I went to sleep.

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