4. Potential Contact

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"Where'd she go?!" A large, older Qarthan male yelled.

"I don't know." The short and round female said back in frustration.

Rahn held her breath as she watched them from above. As she conversed with different vendors or passers by over the past few days, she had been putting little feelers out there. She made simple statements to let others know she wasn't in love with the way the current Premier had handled recent events, that they weren't harsh enough on their punishments. Apparently she must have not been as discreet as she thought and this couple were strong supporters of the royal family.

She had barely climbed on top of the awning before they'd come rushing down the street. She ducked back to the center of the cloth in case they were smart enough to look up.

"Forget it." The female said. "We need to get back to the shop."


She listened as they stomped back up the street and gave it a few minutes after that, just in case, before jumping down and walking down the street in the opposite direction like nothing had happened.

"That was quite the show." She tensed and jumped back in a defensive stance.

The woman held her hands up. "Relax, I'm not trying to harm you."

Rahn forced her stance to neutral but remained vigilant in her watch of the woman. When she didn't say anything further, Rahn proceeded to take a few more steps in the direction she was headed, keeping a discreet eye on the woman, who continued staring at her.

"Did you mean what you said?" The woman called out to her as she was almost to the end of the alley.

She turned and eyed the woman. "What about it?" Rahn said defensively.

"Most people think the king and queen are wonderful, even love them. Why wouldn't you agree?"

Rahn rolled her eyes, pretending to be annoyed. "What? I'm supposed to love them too just because everyone else does?"

The woman shrugged. "It's what most would do."

Putting on her best face of frustration, she responded "Yeah well, I'm not most people." With that statement, Rahn turned her back to the woman and continued on her way. She couldn't seem too eager. She needed to seem brave enough to speak her mind but not too foolish.

After turning the corner and walking a handful of steps, out of the woman's sight, Rahn stopped to fix the binding on her shoe. Not that it needed to be fixed. She was, in fact, waiting to see if the woman followed her. Hearing soft footsteps behind her, she stood and continue to walking on her way, as if she didn't know they were there.

"That's good to know." The woman spoke from behind her, and Rahn turned to huff at the woman.

"You following me now? Are you trying to do a people's arrest like the elder couple?" Rahn eyed the woman up and down as she crossed her arms. Do you think you'll have better luck than them?

The woman smiled and let out a chuckle. "No, quite the opposite actually. I've noticed you these past few days. Speaking against the Premier. Comments here and there."

"Oh, so you're a stalker?"

"No. Just a quiet observer. Like you, I am not most people. I'm glad to see that the way the Premier have handled these current events have opened your eyes to their faults."

"Yeah?" Rahn did her best to feign indifference. To pretend like she didn't care. Meanwhile, her heart was spiking. Could this be the connection she was looking for? So soon?

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