38. Clearing Things Up

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Kahal sat up from where he was resting on the floor and leaned his back against the wall, Othen sitting to join him. The eldest brother sat patiently, waiting for Othen to begin.

"That female is quite something." Othen whispered nervously.

"She is definitely that." Kahal smirked. "Don't stall, brother. What do you need to speak with me about."

"I... um..." Othen drew in a deep breath and then sighed. "She has made it seem like a big deal. I was simply inquiring about how the women had fared and she had asked me about your relationship with Lady Biechta."

"She asked you about that, hmm?" Kahal glanced at Rahn to find her in light conversation with his other brothers. Then he turned his attention back to Othen. "And that is what you needed to speak with me about so urgently?"

Othen's eyes rounded and he looked away. "I didn't need to... um... she just seemed to think you and I should discuss..."

"Othen. It's just me, tell me what you have to say. There is no need to be so nervous."

"You're right." Othen, sighed. "You said your feelings toward Biechta had changed and then invited her as your date to the production. So I take it that things between you two are going well now? Do you think...you two will become... partners?"

"I never said my feelings toward Biechta changed. I invited her as my date because I thought her and I both could enjoy going with someone we both agreed would come with no strings attached, no pressure. As we had both made it clear that neither of us had any romantic interest in the other. We went as friends."

Othen sat up straighter. "You both agreed you have no romantic interest in the other?"

"Yes." Kahal eyed his brother, who was acting strangely.

"When did that happen?" Othen asked quietly, staring at the floor as if deep in thought.

"When she asked if she could extend her stay and explore the Grand Hall and the homeland while further expanding her knowledge and discovering new things she was never allowed to before."

Othen closed his eyes and exhaled deeply while dropping his face into his hands.

"What's wrong, why are you...?" Kahal placed his hand on his forehead. "I am so blind. Forgive me, brother, I have been so busy with everything going on and all of my responsibilities that I failed to see what was so obviously right in front of me."

"What?" Othen asked as he looked at his brother.

"You care for her." Kahal smiled slightly. "I should have seen it. It is so obvious now."

"Obvious?!" Othen asked in alarm.

"Biechta is a lovely female. Her and I are not a good match for each other but you... oh, you two are perfect. I wouldn't have asked to escort her to the production if I had realized... I apologize."

"Don't apologize, you've done nothing wrong." Othen offered.

"Now we just have to get out of here so you can go tell her how you feel."

"What?!" Othen tensed. "What if she... I mean, she likely doesn't..."

"Little brother." Kahal placed his hand on Othen's shoulder. "Now that I am seeing things clearly... trust me. She does."

Othen glanced down at Kahal's hand on his shoulder and smiled slightly.

Kahal looked at the contact as well and smirked. "It appears Ashima is rubbing off on all of us."


"I think you've made quite the impression on my brothers." Kahal said to Rahn as he sat next to her an hour later, leaning against the wall beside her.

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