15. Upset & Disappointment

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"That was magnificent!" Biechta exclaimed as Othen led her from the theater.

She had started the rehearsal quietly, taking everything in. But eventually her excitement and curiosity built enough to where she was asking questions and pointing things out to Othen.

"Yes, they are very talented. I am excited for you to see the entire performance on opening night."

"When will they rehearse again? Can we return?"

"I'd be happy to accompany you to another rehearsal. I'll find out and let you know."

"Oh I just can't believe it!" She said as she clasped her hands together, her eyes staring off into the distance as if she were reliving the entire rehearsal in her mind.

"Do you have time to join me in the music hall?"

"Can we, Othen?" She said as she turned and smiled at him in excitement.

He nodded in return as he led her that direction. When they arrived, musicians were returning from the rehearsal, cleaning or adjusting their instruments, and putting them away. Othen introduced Biechta to several of them and he watched as she greeted each one in her usual subdued way, but he could see the twinkle in her eyes as she spoke. She was thoroughly enjoying herself.

"I wanted to ask you about something." Othen told her as he escorted her to the percussion room as the musicians were leaving for the day.

"Yes, my lord?" Biechta asked as she followed him into the room, a smile still on her face.

He took a seat on the piano bench and looked up at her. "I admit I'm disappointed, Lady Biechta."

"Oh?" Her features changed from joy to concern. "Have I offended you in some way, my lord? I apologize."

"Quite so, my lady." He said as he scooted to the side of the bench and motioned for her to sit beside him. He had removed the standard bench and placed a longer one in its place in anticipation of this moment.

"My lord?"

"I thought we were friends, my lady."

"I.... Yes, I would like that, my lord."

"Right." He said as he began playing a slow tune softly. "And I thought we had agreed that friends could forgo the formalities. Yet you continue to call me my lord." He tsked teasingly. "I imagine I'll have to do better to win your friendship in the future."

"Oh! I apologize, my lo- .... I mean...". She sighed and nodded. "You do not have to try harder, you have already been more of a friend to me than anyone. I can't thank you enough for your hospitality and your patience. Your kindness."

"Now, call me Othen. Without the lord in front of it. Just try it out. For me."

"Ok...." She spoke softly. "Thank you... Othen." She smiled slightly and turned her eyes down to watch his hands as they moved across the keys.

"You're very welcome Biechta. It has genuinely been my pleasure." They sat and listened to him play for a moment before he ended the song. "Now. Watch what I do."

He took a single finger and played a simple tune, one of the first he'd learned as a child. After six notes it repeated. He went through the short melody several times before he stopped. "Now. You try."

"Me?!" She jumped and he had to place a hand on her back to keep her from falling off the bench.

"Yes." He chuckled. "You can do it."

"I..." she said as she looked down at the keys in front of her. She timidly raised a hand over the keys, getting close but not touching them, before quickly pulling her hand down to her lap. "I'm sorry, my lo-... Othen." She paused to correct herself. "I'm sorry Othen, but I can not do this."

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