32. Unknowns

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"No!" Ashima cried out as she rushed to Kietnan's side.

Biechta froze in horror as she stared at Othen's unmoving body beside Kietnan's and Joreth's. "Are they...?" She whispered.

"No." Rahn whispered back. "See? They're breathing. Just knocked out." She glanced around and quickly counted seven other Qarthan's unconscious on the floor, and several more nursing wounds. She had to hand it to the brothers, they packed a punch. Regret filled her, maybe she should have stayed and fought it out with them. Would they have had a chance?


No. She told herself firmly. Even if they thwarted tonight's attempt, there would just be another. She still needed her undercover persona. She just hoped no one would get hurt too badly in the process.

"What do you plan to do with us?" She asked no one in particular.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine. We just need to borrow you for a while." A female answered. "Now come on, let's go."

More Qarthans appeared and began dragging the unconscious bodies away. What was originally a dozen quickly became three dozen Qarthans from the group. They had come prepared. At least she could feel reassured that there would have been no point in her trying to fight it out earlier, she had made the right call.

Rahn took Biechta's shaking hand and they walked together as the group pushed them forward, all the while listening to Ashima's cries of protest. They quickly gave her the same sedative they had given Halan, making Rahn wonder if the brothers were given one as well at some point in the fight.

Now there were only two of them conscious, and she imagined one of them would be completely useless in a scrap. She wondered if Biechta might pass out on her own at some point. She squeezed the female's hand, reassuring her.


"Nothing?! You've found nothing?!" Kahal roared in anger.

"I apologize, my lord. Every guard available is still searching. Some have moved to look for clues outside."

Kahal sighed and ran his hand over his head. He knew they were doing all they could. Every single guard in the Grand Hall had been summoned. The only guards not searching were those on protection detail and those on the prison hall.

"Keep me informed if you find anything."

The guard nodded and exited Kahal's study.

"Who would have guessed that we were the ones who would end up being safe." Thuq said from the chair opposite his desk, a far away look in his eyes.

Kahal let out a sad chuckle. "Yes, if I had guessed that, I wouldn't have sent them all down there." he leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms. "I knew something was wrong when it was way too easy to fight off our attackers.

"Easy for you, maybe." Thuq scoffed.

"They weren't properly trained, the females just ran off without even attempting to achieve their goal, there weren't enough of them for attacking a group of our size. It was obviously a decoy to push the group where they wanted them to go. It just became obvious too late."

Thuq thought for a moment. "You're saying their plan was to take the group from under the stage the entire time?

Kahal nodded.

"But that would mean they would have to know about that area and the passages and that there was a hatch within Halan's office."

"You're exactly right, my friend. They would have to know that. Unfortunately, the only people that I trust who could give me a list of who all would know that aren't here."

"Shall I summon Halan's assistant?"

"Yes. I don't know if he's trustworthy, but we'll have to question him. Have Commander Dran retrieve Teluq and begin questioning all of the theater staff and performers. But discreetly. I don't want it to be obvious we suspect a traitor within their staff. Which is why I only want Dran and Teluq questioning them. I trust them."


"What is happening?" Rahn demanded answers.

"How many times do I have to tell you, you don't need to know."

"Kidnapping helpless females?"

The male scoffed. "Helpless doesn't mean innocent. Or unimportant."

"Come on. Speak to Biechta for more than two minutes and I challenge anyone to tell me she's not innocent."

"Perhaps." He shrugged. "But we can't help she decided to be Kahal's date for the evening. It was her own mistake."

Rahn scoffed as she leaned back in the chair, crossing her arms. She was sitting in an empty room across from the male, similar to the rooms for interrogation within the prison hall. Halan and Ashima were still out cold, so they had placed them in a locked room and then separated Rahn and Biechta. She could only assume Biechta was in another room identical to hers, being questioned.  Rahn eyed the male.  She had seen him around during her time underground but hadn't had any real interaction with him before now.

"Now. Walk me through tonight's events, exactly how everything happened."

Rahn raised a brow at him. "Can't you just listen to the audio from the earpiece? I assume whoever listens in records them as well."

The male mirrored her position, leaning back and crossing his arms. "Tell me anyway. And don't leave anything out the audio couldn't pick up."

"Oh so all of a sudden you actually need me?" She smirked.

He simply stared at her impassively.

"Not in the mood to banter. Fine." She rubbed her hands on her knees as she sat up straighter. Rahn walked him through everything from the time she entered the grand hall. Almost all of it was simply her watching the production, so she had no reason to lie.

"Now. The question is, am I going back to a holding room with the other females? Or are you separating us?"

The male raised a brow in question.

"What? I'm not an idiot. If I go home and back to normal life that's an obvious red flag to anyone who knows I was just abducted, making me a suspect and also rendering me useless to you. Not that I do much around here, anyway." She muttered that last part, seemingly annoyed.

"I think that's enough for now." He stood to leave.

"Wait, you're not going to tell me anything? At least tell me how long I'll have to stay here and play prisoner."

He simply opened the door and spoke to the two guards outside the door before walking away. "Return our guest to her friends."

"Did they tell you anything?" Rahn asked Biechta as soon as she was alone with her in the room where the other two were still sleeping.

Biechta shook her head, holding her arms around her knees as she sat on a cot against the wall.

"Are you okay?" Rahn asked as she sat beside her. "They didn't hurt you did they?"

Biechta shook her head again. "They just asked me to replay my view of the events that happened tonight and then brought me back here."

"Me too." Rahn leaned against the wall and stared up at the ceiling.

"What do you think happened to the males?"

"The same as us, I suppose. Or I at least hope so."

After a moment of silence Biechta asked quietly. "Do you think Kahal and Thuq made it out ok?"

"I hope so, Biechta. I really hope so." 

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