21. Overworked

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"You're making progress." Othen praised Biechta's attempt at the simple tune.

"You're being kind, my lord. That was dreadful." Biechta chuckled.

"Maybe... but no one ever masters these first steps without a lot of practice and determination. This is just your third lesson.. You'll get there."

"We'll see how much progress I can make while I'm still here, anyway." She frowned.

"Are you having fun at least?"

"I can honestly say... I am. I'm actually enjoying myself.." She smiled. "I don't know the last time I was able to say that before I came here. Thank you, my lord."

"Is it too soon for me to ask you to drop the formalities and simply call me Othen again? We were just making progress on that before..."

"Alright. Othen. Thank you for everything. I've truly enjoyed everything you've shown me since I've been here. All of the arts have been the highlights of my trip."

"I'm glad you've enjoyed them. Now, back to work."

"Yes!" She said enthusiastically as she straightened her already perfect posture and positioned her hand over the keys, determined. Othen had her run through the same short tune several more times.

"Ok time for a break." He stood and motioned for her to follow. "Not only will you have to build muscles and dexterity in your hands, but you'll also need to work on your back. Pianists get a lot of cramps on their hands from extensive use and their backs from sitting in the same position for so long. Make sure you stretch frequently, at least at first."

She nodded in understanding and copied his movements as he raised his arms above his head, clasped his hands together and leaned to his right side. They stayed that way for a time before standing straight again and then eventually leaning to the left.

"This next one is one of my favorite stretches. It just seems to work out all the kinks." She watched as he leaned forward, stretching his arms straight out and waited for her to copy him. "Ok now as you stretch your fingers down toward your toes, you'll start by tucking your chin to your chest and roll your upper back toward the floor first, then your middle then your lower back. Kind of like a wave of cause and effect. And when we come up to reach for the ceiling, you'll start with your lower back first and work your way up until your chin untucks last."

He did the motion and she tried to copy but just didn't seem to be able to do what he was describing. "I'm sorry, I don't think I understand how to do what you're doing." She said quietly, slightly embarrassed as she stood up straight.

"That's ok, I can help you." He said as he walked over to her. "Let's start with your arms straight up in the air, look up to the ceiling. Right, like that. Now, bring your arms down straight out in front of you."

He reached up and gently placed his hand on her right elbow, pushing on it gently until she straightened it. "You want to keep your arms straight so they pull on your shoulder muscles."


"Ok good. So as you bring your arms down straight in front, you bring your head down with them until your chin touches your chest."

"Like this?"

"Yes, perfect." Othen placed his left arm on her upper back as his right arm reached out and extended along her right arm. "Now, you're going to lose your straightened posture. I think that's the hard part for you." He chuckled and she could feel the vibration where his chest barely touched her shoulder. "Start bringing only your upper back down towards the floor by continuing to roll your head down." He placed light pressure on her upper back. "At the same time your arms lower as well."

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