27. The Grand Event

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"Has she arrived yet?" Kietnan asked Kahal as they were putting on the finishing touches to their formal wear in Kahal's dwelling.

"No. Not that I know of. Either way, I just wish we didn't have to go through the motions of this event, not knowing whether or not anything is going to happen."

"I understand the situation is tense, but let's try to relax. Captain Bron is trustworthy and he is sharp. We can trust him to be over security while we fulfill our duties."

"You're right. I know, you're right. I just can't help but have a bad feeling."

"I understand. Trust me, I do. We'll do the best we can to keep our eyes and ears open from where we are."

Kahal nodded as they left his dwelling and went separate directions to go retrieve their dates for the evening.

Kahal greeted Biechta at her dwelling, complimenting her on her poised beauty, as always. She never had a hair out of place or a wrinkle in her clothing. He escorted her to their Royal box of the balcony in the theater. Anxiety grew within him as they sat down and he looked over the theater. He had a great vantage point from up here, but he was so far removed from all of the people. Big thoughts race within his mind. Would they go after the royal family again? Or the entire premier? He couldn't help but feel like they were all sitting ducks.

Much to some of their protests, he had insisted on moving away from tradition for tonight's events. Traditionally, the entire premier and their families would be seated together in the large royal box. But Kahal and Kietnan knew that was just too convenient for any potential attackers. He had insisted that they separate. They were in four different boxes tonight. Each son was sitting in each of the four boxes, having been brought up to speed on the potential threat. And that way each of the Lords of the four quadrants wouldn't feel snubbed. Well, that was the idea. Of course some of them did anyway. But he just had to insist that it was for their safety.

Of course, the fact that he didn't tell any of them these new arrangements until half an hour ago did not help the reactions. But it couldn't be helped. There were only a small handful of people. He trusted right now and he didn't want to give any of them a chance to tip anyone off to the new security measures, even if it were by accident.

The door to the box opened and Kahal turned, on high alert. He watched as the guard at the door held the door open for Thuq to enter. He turned and held out a hand for the female behind him, escorting her to their seats beside Kahal and Biechta. It was a strategic move on Kahal's part, to invite his administrative assistant to sit with him.

The royal box would typically only hold the royal family and the other members of the premier. However, with him spreading the premier and the royal family out, that left room for others. So he had insisted that he needed his assistant by his side. When in reality, it was Rahn who he wanted in the box with him. He would take any opportunity he could to try and get information from her. Why has she been so silent these past several days? Was there truly absolutely nothing planned or did she just not know about anything? Or did she know something, but didn't have an opportunity to share her information with him?

As she entered the room, she looked up and their eyes locked. Kahal didn't know why he thought just looking at her would bring him any information. But still, whatever was going through his chest didn't quite feel like disappointment. The opposite, in fact.

He glanced down to see that she was in formal wear. Of course, that made perfect sense, as she was technically here as his assistant's date and nothing more. So of course she was wearing a beautiful, feminine garment. But he just hadn't really thought about it. Not that she had ever seemed not feminine to him, but she had always carried herself and her attire in more simple garments. Always ready for a fight. He inwardly chuckled to himself.

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