16. Wanting Passion

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Rahn hit the bag again. And again and again. She had acquired a large bag of dry beans, at no small cost, hung it up in her bedroom and was using it as a punching bag.

She kicked and punched and ducked at an imaginary opponent but instead of releasing her frustration as it normally did, her frustration kept building.

"5 days." She muttered as she punched the bag again. She groaned as pain erupted from her wrist down her forearm. She cursed as she drew it into her chest and drew a deep breath.

Dom had visited her at least every other day during her time here. Until that kiss. That mind shattering kiss. It had been five days and he still hadn't shown up.

"Coward." She said angrily as she unwrapped her hands and placed her left hand and wrist in the ice bin in her freezer.

She had tried to will herself to forget about him. To forget about the kiss. But it still consumed her thoughts. If he returned, she wondered if she'd be able to keep things between them platonic, as he obviously preferred. But no, that wasn't true was it? She asked herself over and over. He had wanted to kiss her. He had put as much passion into the kiss as she had... hadn't he?

She fisted the ice. Second guessing and insecurities were foreign to her. She didn't like it. Punching the bag wasn't helping. She needed to do something else.

She removed her arm from the ice and went to the door, putting on her shoes. When she opened the door it was dusk. She normally ran in the mornings but tonight she'd run until she was so exhausted her body would have no choice but to sleep instead of her mind keeping her awake.

"Males are just distractions." She told herself as she began a light jog to warm up. She'd give herself to the outskirts and then really hit speed once she reached the woods.

The path was getting darker as the shops were closed and people were all inside their homes. She took a deep breath in and released it slowly as she pushed her feet to move through the streets.

"Running at night?" A figure stepped out from behind a corner and blocked her path. She stopped abruptly and took him in. He was a tall, lanky male. He was young, she noticed.

She turned and took steps to run a different direction but another figure stepped out and blocked her again. She turned to find the young male taking very slow steps toward her from behind. An ambush. She cursed and stood up straight. "I can't catch a break." She said loud enough for them to hear.

"Why is that, sweetheart?" The young male asked.

She chuckled. "I don't know anyone who would describe me as sweet."

"Oh?" He smiled.

"That's close enough." She said in a firm tone as he was almost within arms reach of her. The other male a bit further away, holding his position.

The young male leaned his shoulder against the wall, lazily. "I've noticed you around. Running at night isn't your usual routine."

"Oh yeah?" She said as she kept her eye on both of them.

He nodded.

"I needed to clear my head." She sighed and folded her arms.

"It's not as safe in this area at night." The male commented. "Especially for a female." His eyes roamed up and down her body and she cringed. "Especially one wearing..." he motioned toward her. "It's a very brave choice of attire for a female at night in this area. Brave or stupid."

"Perhaps a bit of both." She smirked. "I wasn't expecting to run into anyone. I just want to go for a run in the woods and go back to my dwelling."

"I see." He said as he took a step toward her. The other man closed in as well.

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