22. Brotherly Love

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Author's Note:
This is a longer chapter, but full of several little separate sections. I try not to do so many in one chapter, but it just worked out that way this time. I hope that's not too confusing! Let me know.


"How is the production coming?" Kietnan asked Othen as the four brothers were eating a midday meal together.

I believe it's all coming together. Othen responded.

"I'll just be glad when it's over and I can have my partner back." Joreth complained. "She practically lives over there. In fact, I think she only comes home to see our son or else she would sleep there too."

"She keeps stealing my partner away as well." Kietnan agreed. "She's always wanting her opinion on just about everything. And when she's not doing that, she's stealing me away. I never knew so much went into these things."

"She hasn't sent me any more edits to review, so I am happy." Kahal added.

"You will be even happier when you find your own partner." Kietnan smirked.

"Our mother definitely believes so." Kahal responded.

"She is right, you know." Joreth added.

"True, but only with the right person. It can't be forced." Kietnan added.

"You've only had a partner for a handful of months and you're already an expert?" Kahal chuckled.

"It doesn't mean he's wrong." Joreth added. "How are things with Teth's niece, Lady Biechta?

"I have to admit, she is different than when she first arrived here. Our first meeting I struggled to not fall asleep."

"But you find her different now?" Othen asked.

"She is still quiet and reserved, but it seems she has finally found her own voice. Definitely more interesting that way instead of being a robot that only does and says as their family tells them to." Kahal took a gulp of water and thought of the female before continuing. "Yes, I'd say I like her better now."

"Oh." Othen said quietly but no one heard him as Kietnan spoke up.

"It is disgraceful, how her family has treated her. I don't know all of the details, but I know Ashima has cried over it."

"How do you handle all of those extreme emotions?" Joreth asked before chuckling. "And to think, I thought I had it bad with my partner."

Kietnan shrugged. "They are a part of her. Just like your partner's eccentric passion for theater is a part of her."

Joreth nodded and continued eating. "Kahal's fate will be sealed soon enough. Next, mother will be finding a partner for Othen. Maybe then we can all get some peace around here."

"You know she will find something else to become her pet project." Kahal added and all of the brothers nodded. "And I hardly think having four females added to our family will lead to more peace and quiet." Kahal smirked and the brothers laughed and nodded in agreement.

"Going back to what Joreth said, Othen are there any prospective partners for you?" Kietnan asked, watching his brother.

Othen glanced at Kietnan and then Kahal before taking a bite of food. After a moment he responded. "No."

"Better start seriously looking before the queen decides you're her next target." Kahal commented. "Trust me, it's easier that way." 



Of course I would be happy to come see you in person! I am catching up on work hours after my time away, but I should be able to have some time off by the end of this week.

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