7. A Bird Keeper?

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Author's Note:  I apologize, this chapter jumps around more than I'd like. But at least it gives you a little update on most of the characters in the process.



"Greetings, my queen." Kahal stood as the king and queen entered the dining room for the premier's morning meeting.

"Yes, greetings. Greetings everyone." She half-heartedly nodded toward her other sons in the room. "Kahal, why do I hear that you've only seriously met with Lady Biechta one time?"

"I have been exceptionally busy, my Queen."


"What your mother is trying to ssy is that while your other obligations are important, this is as well. You need a Queen to partner with and share the burden of ruling and you must make time in your schedule to find one." King Japheth added.

"Lady Biechta is a wonderful female." The queen added. "She has excelled in her education and is well respected among her people."

She is also painstakingly boring, he thought to himself. "I will make time in my schedule."

"With Lady Biechta?"

"I will schedule a meeting with her again, and I promise to be open to such meetings in the future with other potential partners until the right one is found." Somehow, he thought.

"You will meet with her today?"

"I will do as you ask, my queen."

"And go ahead and schedule another within the next three days. I will accept no less than 6 meetings while she is at the grand hall."

"Mother, I-"

"Just try. For me, my son." She glared at him. "Unless you have any other partners in mind?"


"Lord Kahal..." Lady Biechta's eyes widened before she relaxed them and again became the perfect picture of a young lady. "What a surprise."

"Greetings, Lady Biechta. I apologize for my intrusion but I have a bit of free time and would like to escort you on a walk, if you are free and agreeable to such an activity?"

"Yes, my lord." She said calmly. "That is agreeable."

He nodded and escorted her down the hallway toward the north terrace garden. "I find it hard to sit still after the evening meal, I thought a walk might be an enjoyable activity for us to get to know one another a bit more."

"Oh. Yes. That is a lovely idea, my lord."

Lovely. He was guessing that was her go to word when she didn't know what else to say. He was also guessing that it happened often. "Do you enjoy gardens?"

"Oh. They're lovely, my lord. Especially when in bloom."

Kahal already wanted to scratch his eyes out. He had so many things to do and here he was making small talk with a droid. "Do you have any favorite flowers or plants?"

She was quiet as if in thought.

"It's ok if you do-"

"Oh! Zinels are lovely blooms!" He looked to see there was a row of zinel plants right beside her side of the path. ".. my lord." She added belatedly.

He stifled a sigh and fought to keep his face neutral. "I enjoy getting outside but I've never been one to study plants, myself."


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