18. A Grand Banquet

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"No messages?" Kahal asked Thuq as soon as he entered his office that morning.

Thuq shook his head. "You're worried."

"It's been too long."

"Maybe there's nothing new to report."

Kahal shook his head this time. "But she would have sent a letter by this time anyway, just to keep up appearances as to why she was sending them."

"True." Thuq thought for a moment. "You haven't heard from Dom either?"

Kahal raised a brow muscle at his administrator.

He shrugged. "I didn't know his name either so I'm just calling him what she did. Not that I know much, we converse just enough to be familiar with each other in case that's ever needed."

"She wasn't there so he had nothing to report. He'll check in again soon."

"See, nothing to worry about."

"Yeah..." Kahal said as he entered his own study and closed the door between them, a bad feeling in his gut.

A few minutes later his study door burst open and his mother entered.

"Greetings, my queen." He stood and nodded.

"Greetings, Kahal." She sat so he did as well. "I'm here to continue our conversation from the family evening meal. I have come up with an idea."

Kahal inwardly sighed. "Yes?"

"I have sent invitations to all of the lords and ladies of the outer provinces to the opening performance next week. I specifically asked them to come a few days early to attend a banquet."

Kahal groaned.

"It is a genius idea. The Premier from the provinces meet occasionally but I can't remember the last time all of the lords and ladies gathered for a social event. If ever. Imagine all of the partnerships that might come from such an event."

"I see you are fully embracing your role as matchmaker, my queen."

She huffed. "If nothing else, it will be an opportunity to unite our provinces and further secure their support of our family. It will be a crucial time for you as their soon to be king, my son."

"You are ever wise, mother."

"I expect you to have interest in a female by the end of that premier, Kahal." She stared seriously at him. "Whether it be a lady or anyone else, matters not to me. If you put in the effort to converse with the plethora of options available to you, I have no doubt you will find someone you find suitable."

"You are right, mother." He sighed and glanced out the window. "Ruling alone wouldn't be wise for myself or my people. I will put this as a high priority."

She paused, obviously surprised. "Good, I'm glad." She stood and he did as well. "You know I push you because I love you, my son."

He stared at her for a moment, not used to her being so directly sentimental. "I know, mother." He gave her a nod of respect and she left his study so he could get back to his mountain of work.


"She's not there."

Dom turned to see an elderly man bringing out a bin of trash and emptying its contents into a dumpster in the alleyway between his and Rahn's dwelling. The sky was black, almost void of any light with the gloomy clouds covering the stars and moon. Still, Dom kept his hood low over his face.

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