52. I Promise You

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Kahal's mind was in a fog. Where was he? He couldn't remember. But he did have this strange feeling. Like there was something he needed. What was it?

He tried to blink and only then realized his eyes were closed. Confusion flooded him when he wasn't able to open them. Likewise when the rest of his body ignored his commands to move. He felt... numb? There were sounds slowly making their way into his mind but what were they?

Voices. He almost felt relieved when he was able to discern what the sound was. He didn't like how confused his mind was. If only he could understand what the voices were saying. Or if he could open his eyes and figure out who they were and where he was.

"It's been so long." The words came into his mind. The voice sounded... frustrated?

Another voice replied but he couldn't understand. It was further away, he noticed.

"I need to know what I can do. I need something I can do to help." The frustrated voice spoke again. It was familiar, he realized. And with that realization, the urge to hear it again filled him. He tried to blink his eyes open but they just wouldn't cooperate.

"I don't like feeling helpless." Now the voice sounded defeated and sad. He didn't like that.

Suddenly he felt a hand holding his and the urge to squeeze it in return hit him full force.

"Kahal?" The voice asked. "Kahal, can you hear me? I think he squeezed my hand." His hand felt another squeeze and for some reason it calmed him.

"He sighed. Does that mean he's waking up? He hasn't been doing that." The voice said.

The voice sounded excited. Kahal felt like smiling for some reason he couldn't yet place. If only he could get his eyes to open. So he focused his energy on that and blocked everything else out. Eventually his eyes burned from the effort and he squeezed them further closed.

"Kahal." The voice said, sounding full of relief.

"I saw it too." A different voice said. It was closer now. "See, I told you. There is nothing to worry about, he just needs time."

Kahal felt two hands squeezing his right hand now and he managed to slightly squeeze them in return.

"It may be a while yet until he fully wakes up. Why don't you get some rest." The lower voice said.

"Not a chance." The first voice said sternly and Kahal wanted to chuckle. "See look, he just smirked. Do you think he can hear us?"

"I think you could make him just by sheer will alone." The second voice chuckled before Kahal heard a thud. "Ow! No need to get violent. Since you insist on staying here, I will inform my family of his progress."

Kahal didn't hear any more voices but as the silent minutes ticked by, he felt himself drifting back into the blissful rest he needed. 


Awareness slowly crept into Kahal's mind and he blinked a few times before glancing around at his surroundings.

There was a pale ceiling above him with a skylight above his waist. The sky was dark above. What time was it?

He turned his head slightly to further look around but pain shot through him. He squinted his eyes closed and tensed his body as it protested against his movements. Releasing a long slow breath, he focused on steadying himself through the pain.

Heavens, his mouth was dry. He needed water. He slowly opened his eyes again and this time he was able to move his head, now prepared to face the pain. He was in the Royal medical ward. What exactly had happened? He furrowed his brow muscles as he tried to remember.

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