✰ 15: false surrender

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"And of course, once you've taken custody of my troops, arrangements will need to be made for their food and shelter," Obi-Wan continued exhaustingly, putting his cup of tea down on their makeshift table.  "Tell me, do you have enough supplies—"

"Enough of this!" General Loathsom yelled, finally letting out the annoyance Akya could tell had been building up in him.  "You are stalling!"  The outburst had given Akya a good jolt.

"Nonsense," said Obi-Wan, that charming smile still on his face.  "General, there are numerous details to be discussed."

The Separatist general groaned in frustration, flipping over the table along with their drinks.  Akya and Obi-Wan looked at each other.  Obi-Wan raised his brows, and Akya shrugged, as if to say, "it was worth a try."

"Seize them!" he called to his droids, pointing at the Jedi.  The two B2 droids behind them grabbed them by the arms and picked them up into the air, where their feet dangled a foot off the ground.  Obi-Wan seemed almost completely unfazed by all this, so Akya tried to copy his mannerisms.  "Unless you call off your troops right now, I will have no choice but to destroy you!" threatened Loathsom.

Obi-Wan sighed.  "Truthfully, I was hoping your shield would be knocked out by now."  He looked up at the red dome over them, still lingering above their heads.  Akya just looked down.  But in a moment, there was a pulsating noise, and the energy shield began to fade away, revealing Christophsis's true skies once again.  Akya looked up and smiled.

She and Obi-Wan looked at each other. "Oh well," he said.  Once his words were said, both of them spun out of the grip of the droids.  Once they landed on the ground, they each used the Force to knock the droids together, shutting them down.  Obi-Wan then jumped behind the General Loathsom, holding him against himself, arm around his neck.  Akya went around behind her master.  The droid began shooting in their direction, careful to miss their general, but he stopped them.

"Don't fire!" Loathsom commanded.

"Hmm," said Obi-Wan.  "Something appears to have happened to your shield, General."  Suddenly, Akya heard their heavy cannons start up again, and lots of explosions in the distance.  The tides of the battle had been turned.

Still keeping the General in a hold so that the droids did not fire at them, Obi-Wan pulled out a small holoprojector.  He held it in front of his face where one of the Republic officers came into view, standing tall.  "General Kenobi, if you can hear me, we're through the blockade," he said solemnly.  "The Separatist armada is in retreat.  Your reinforcements should be landing in a moment." And as if on cue, the transport ships holding more clone soldiers flew overhead toward the drop-off point.  

Obi-Wan cuffed the Separatist general after he had made sure the droids would not shoot and got their lightsabers back.  Soon after, a transport landed in front of them in a space of cleared rubble, holding five armed clone soldiers and Master Yoda.  He walked off the ship once they had landed, followed by the clones, who went around and took Loathsom into custody.  "Your timing is perfect, Master Yoda," said Obi-Wan.

— ★ ✰ ☆ —

Yoda took them back to the rendezvous point where one of the Republic's large cruisers had landed.  Obi-Wan spoke with Yoda about Anakin's Padawan situation while Akya watched the clones load into the big ship.  Suddenly, she felt a familiar feeling, and looked up to find Anakin smiling down at her and Obi-Wan from one of the transports.  One of the clones directed where it should land and once it had, Anakin and Ahsoka loaded off. 

"Master Obi-Wan," greeted Anakin, walking up to where they stood. "Master Yoda.  Akya."  He gave a nod to each of them, though Akya could see in his eyes that the one she got was not only a hello, but an "I'll talk to you later."

"Trouble, you have, with your new Padawan, I hear," said Yoda.

Ahsoka looked down at the ground, then back up at Anakin, eyes wide.  He looked back at her.

"I was explaining the situation to Master Yoda," said Obi-Wan.

"Really?" said Anakin.

"If not ready for a Padawan, you are, then perhaps we can—"  Yoda began, but Anakin cut him off.

"No, wait a minute," said Anakin, crossing his arms.  "I admit Ahsoka is... a little rough around the edges."  He turned to look at her.  "But with a great deal of training, and patience... she might amount to something." 

Ahsoka smiled.  Akya did, too.

"Then go with you, she will, to the Teth system."

"Teth?" said Anakin, slightly confused.  "That's Wild Space.  The droid army isn't even in that sector."

"Kidnapped, Jabba the Hutt's son has been," informed Master Yoda.

"You want me to rescue Jabba's son?"

"Anakin, we'll need the Hutts' allegiance to give us an advantage over Dooku," Obi-Wan cut in.

"Negotiate the treaty with Jabba, Obi-Wan and his Padawan will," said Yoda solemnly.  "Find the renegades that hold Jabba's son, your mission will be, Skywalker."

"Come on, Master, it doesn't sound that hard," said Ahsoka with a grin.  "I'll find Rex and get the troops organized." Ahsoka then ran off in the direction she had came. She had a pep to her that Akya rather enjoyed.  She had gotten to talking to her a bit when they were waiting on the big cruiser above the planet, but it hadn't been much, just introductions.

"Don't worry, Anakin," said Obi-Wan, as him and Anakin watched Ahsoka go.  "Just teach her everything I taught you and she'll turn out fine."

"You know, something makes me think this was your idea from the start," replied Anakin suspiciously.  He then turned around completely to meet Akya's eyes for just a moment, as a sorry for the fact they had no time to speak.  He then walked away in the direction his Padawan had gone, boarding a transport along with her.

"Let's just hope Anakin is ready for this responsibility," added Obi-Wan.

"I think he is," said Akya, watching the transport take off.

"Indeed, ready he is, to teach an apprentice," said Yoda to the both of them.  "To let go of his pupil, a greater challenge it will be.  Master this, Skywalker must."

Akya thought for a moment about what Yoda had said and wondered if he had felt Anakin had attachments, that perhaps somehow he knew he had forbidden feelings for someone out there.  She looked down at her feet, convincing herself it was just the anxiety talking, and that there was no need to fear such a thing.  Right?


two chapters again this Thursday bc they kinda go together. also, i am NOT writing out this whole movie. it's not very exciting and honestly i used it simply to show how Akya became kenobi's padawan. im gonna tell you how it all turns out in the next chapter ofc, but it's really just gonna be in one paragraph.

In this book i am also not just inserting Akya into clone war episodes. that's boring and I don't want to do it lol. I'll probably do a couple for emotional effect bc it's fun to think of Akya in those situations, but im not sure.  Besides, you guys have seen the clone wars. I don't need to write it out for you.

the clone wars section of this book, is, however, the longest section, but most of the storylines are original and are completely made up. there's some fillers, but most sections follow a 4-6 chapter story situation like the 3-4 episode arcs in the clone wars show.

long authors note. wow.

don't forget to vote!


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