✰ 28: larson and serafina

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[some months later.]

"I love you."

"Hmm, I haven't heard that before." Anakin laughed at her reply, and Akya smiled at the familiar sound. Two months after Agamar, Anakin and Akya finally had some time to themselves, in a hotel in the upper levels of Coruscant. Akya's training with Obi-Wan had become more frequent, and both of them were called to battle after battle, most of the time far from the other. They still did not dare acknowledge the fact that they were much too attached to each other for their own good.

They rested together as the sunlight from outside beamed through the white curtains beside them. Here, there was nothing to worry about. No war, no politics, and no Jedi. It was just Anakin and Akya, in love, forever. That's how both of them liked to imagine it in their heads.

"What would this be like if we weren't Jedi, Anakin?" Akya said, staring up at the ceiling. "Would we have this all the time?"

"I know what you want to say, Akya," Anakin said, his voice giving a warning. "I'm not leaving the Order. They need us."

"But what if—"

"No, Akya," said Anakin, sitting up. He pushed back the covers and got up off the bed. He slipped his robe over his bare chest but did not tie it up. "You know they need us. You know that."

"I know." Akya sat up, but did not get out of the bed as he did.

Anakin sighed, closing his eyes as he put his hand to his forehead.

"What about when the war is over?" Akya continued. "Then what?"


"Would you leave the Order, Ani? If this was a time of peace, would you do it?"

Anakin sighed again. He didn't look at her when he answered. "I don't know, Akya."

"I would," she said.

"I can't do this right now, Akya," said Anakin. "Don't we have a briefing to go to?"

"That's tomorrow," Akya said.

Anakin turned around, finally facing her again. "Tomorrow?"

Akya nodded.

He then got this look on his face, a smile she'd seen many a time— it was a look he donned when he got an idea. Obi-Wan didn't like it when he got that look in his eye. Akya didn't mind.

"What?" she said, getting up out of bed and taking her hair out of the ponytail. "What are you thinking?"

She walked up to Anakin from behind and put her arms around his waist. His hands intertwined with hers, and as she laid her head on his back, they swayed to a song that was not there.

"Come on," she said playfully.

"What if today we didn't have to be Anakin Skywalker and Akya Sagral, members of the Jedi order?" he suggested.  He turned around and held both of her hands with his, one flesh, one metal. "What if it could just be us?"

"Well, then who would we be?"

"Anyone," said Anakin. "I could be... I don't know. Larson. You could be... Serafina."

Akya raised her brows. "Why are we changing our names?"

"It's a surprise," he said.  "A good surprise. You'll like it.  I'm going to take you someplace you've never been before."

Akya shook her head with a smile. "Alright," she agreed. "When do we leave?"

"Soon," he said, turning around to make his way out of the bedroom. "You get dressed. I've got to call in a favor. Oh," Anakin stopped walking suddenly, then turned around, "and no Jedi robes."

Akya laughed a little. "I'll see what I can do."

Anakin gave her one last smile, then walked out of the room.

— ★ ✰ ☆ —

"Will you tell me where we're going now?" Akya asked Anakin, as they walked arm-in-arm towards a shuttle that Anakin said would take them to their destination. R2-D2 followed them closely behind.  Anakin had gotten the tickets from the friend he had called, and Akya was desperate to know who it had been or where they were off to.

"You'll know when we get there," he said to her. "Don't you trust me?"

Akya chuckled. "Of course I do. I'm just impatient." 

"Tickets, please," announced a droid at the door to the shuttle.  Anakin handed him the holo-projector which had their ticket confirmations.  The droid turned it on and examined it.  "Names?"

"Larson and Serafina DeAcula."

Akya turned and looked at him confusedly.  The same last name?  Anakin just smiled at her in reply.

"And is the astromech registered?"

Anakin nodded.  "R2-R9. It should be there."

"Very well. Thank you," said the droid, handing Anakin back the small holo-projector.

"Did you marry us?" Akya said in a low voice as they boarded the transport ship and took their seats toward the middle. Anakin allowed her to sit down first, then he followed. Artoo stood in the empty space beside them.

"I thought it would be more convincing," he said.

Akya looked down at her nails. Did this mean that he wanted to marry her? Was this some sort of hint, maybe him trying to ask her the question without explicitly saying it? Or was he truly just trying to make their false identities more credible? Perhaps Akya was overthinking it. Maybe she was just considering such a simple action way too much for her own good. But it wouldn't hurt to have her questions answered, right?

"Would you want to marry me?" She didn't look him in the eyes, and instead continued playing with her fingernails.

"I would marry you in a millisecond," he answered, leaning in closer to her. She finally looked back up at his face once again, his eyes full of love and passion.

Akya continued to stare into Anakin's eyes for a bit before saying anything. She honestly couldn't think of much to say. With their eyes, they fought over every circumstance that tried to stop them. The Jedi Code. The war. The Council. But none of it was as important to them as their love was.

"Then we should get married," he said.

Anakin was at a loss for words. "I— You mean it?"

"All this war, politics, people... it's all trying to stop us. What better thing to do to spite them than have our love prevail over it all? In sickness and in health, in good times and bad?"

Anakin's confused and hopeful face turned into a wonderful smile. "If you married me, I think I would be the happiest man in the world."

Akya's smile matched his. "Then that's what we'll do."


surprise chapter! this one starts the best arc in this book btw.  omggggg its my favorite.  and theyre gonna get married!! omg!! 

where do you think anakin is taking her? soo curious as to what you think

anyway ily, don't forget to vote

molly :)

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