Chapter 12 - a good reminder

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Ran swerved through a mountain of traffic like professional maniac driver "calm down darling nothing going to happen to you but I'm not patient enough to wait sorry" Ran said to Ino who was gripping her seat belt for dear life.

Ran drove all to rapponggi and stopped in front of a big club, although it was daytime and closed, it could be seen that the club was frequently visited at night by a huge number of people "would you like to stay here or come inside with me?" Ran asked the Ino who was still dazed from the ride here, "if you want me to stay here then I will" she said calming down, "well in that case let's go" Ran said before jumping out of the car and running to quickly open the door for Ino.

"That wasn't really necessary sir" she said looking at him, "but I want to" he replied taking her hand in his "you know I'll never get over how small and cute your hands are" he said before kissing it, Ran held unto her as they walked into the club, majority of the staff had already gone home except for the cleaners and managers.

"Juro" Ran called out "good morning Mr Haitani" a middle aged man bowed to Ran who was clearly uninterested in his greeting, "I came here for a very specific reason as you are aware" Ran said boredly, his all too cheerful demeanor was gone and he was acting more professional, Ino couldn't help but stare at him, majority of the Bonten members had never really shown their strictly business side they were usually gentle and nice towards her, "I know I'm handsome but you'll end up staring a hole in me if you keep looking at me like that" Ran teased when he caught the Ino staring, "sorry" she said quickly looking away, "no need to apologize your just too cute" Ran said playfully squishing her cheeks.

The old man couldn't help but stare at his boss, Ran was notoriously known as the most loose with women of all the Bonten executives but he was never really nice he just wanted their bodies so he would gaslight, manipulate and even end up selling some of them off once they misbehaved or he got bored, so what was so special about this one, 'they don't look alike so they can't be related, is she his wife?' Juro thought.

"Boss who's this young lady" Juro asked eyeing Ino, she was a pretty little thing, sure to draw in lots of customers if she worked here, "oh well you see she will be the reason for your death if you don't stop looking" Ran said with venom in his tongue, his composure had changed once again and it was clear that the man was walking on thin ice, "yes sir I'll go get the papers" he said turning around, "no let's go into the office" Ran said picking up Ino, the man was dumbfounded most of Ran's women never got this treatment.

They entered into the inner section of the club and the employees that knew Ran couldn't help but stare at the Ino who was steadily being supported in Ran's arms, "Mr Ran I can walk" Ino protested as she began to feel even more self-conscious with the glances she was receiving, "oh yes you can but this floor is too dirty for you to walk on" Ran whined, "but-" she tried to protest, "no just stay put, and don't worry about other people they'll stop staring if they want to keep their jobs" Ran said making the last part loud enough for everyone to here as they quickly scurried away.

They entered the office of the man, his office was decently sized since he was the head of all the managers, he quickly offered a sit to Ran who took it while placing Ino onto his lap, "these are all the files for the profit and expenditure last month after the renovation" Juro said carefully placing a file on the table in front of Ran, "I see what is the exact percentage of our gain" Ran asked glancing at the file, "thirty sir" Juro confidently answered as Ran furrowed his brows.

"Hmm? Why so low?" Ran questioned the middle aged man who broke into a cold sweat, "w-well the turn out this past month have been slow sir" he managed to get out, "I see well that won't do, I'm not pleased and you know what happens when I'm not pleased don't you Mr Juro" Ran said with a sadistic smile plastered across his face, Ino couldn't see Ran's face but she could tell from Juro's expression that he was terrifying at the moment, "I'll let it slide today because I'm in a good mood but don't try this next month or else" Ran threatened before putting a gun on the table, he used one of his arms to pick up the file while the other was supporting Ino who was on his lap.

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