Chapter 48 - is blood thicker than water?

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"you know your Dad is alive and well right?"

"he's very much alive, can't believe your family was hiding that fromg you"

"I'm sure you're well aware that your father cheated on your mom with her best friend, I just happened to be very close to that best friend Miss Prisha Manev now known as Mrs Prisha Park"

Abi's words resurfaced in Ino's head, it couldn't be him, she was ready to close the door to her past, why do things keep on resurfacing? Was she cursed.

Please don't let it be him "Ino?!" He repeated more loudly "please honey listen to me!" The man said frantically his hands were on her shoulders trying to shake her out of her thoughts, but she was in too much shock to respond, as tears continually flowed down her cheeks.

"Get your hands off her!" a familiar voice said as she was pulled away from the man's grip and enveloped in warmth, she inhaled the familiar scent and looked up to see Kokonoi holding her secuely in arms.

Kokonoi was pissed, he looked away for a few minutes only to turn around to see some random stranger put his hands on Ino, he could easily see her distressed face, quickly he ran over and snatched Ino from him, he held her close and glared at the man "who the hell are you?" He questioned, "I should be asking you, don't you know it's rude to interrupt a reunion between a father and his daughter" the stranger said in an irritated tone.

Kokonoi's eyes widened as he looked at Ino who's tears were still flowing, "oh so you're the deadbeat that abandoned the mother of his child for her best friend" he mocked "and now you're back to claim your spot in your child's life how pathetic" Kokonoi scoffed, "you have no right to say such things, you're in no way related to our family or the issue, you know nothing!" the man spat "oh please save that useless sentiment for your ancestors, you're lucky I left my gun in the car, I would have put a bullet in that useless head of yours" Kokonoi bit back.

The man looked at Ino "listen sweetheart, I know I'm not the father you wanted, the father you needed, but I'm still your father, please, come with me, I'll explain everything to you" he pleaded, "I'd be damned to let you get anywhere close to Ino, you can't just jump in and swoop her away I won't allow it, so drop those stupid thoughts before I make you drop dead right hear" Kokonoi possessively threatened as he held Ino tighter "do you think I'd let my daughter stay with someone like you? You're obviously dangerous and unstable" The man scoffed.

Kokonoi wanted to speak up but Ino beat him to it "why? Why couldn't you stay dead? Why have you come back to my life? Is this some kind of sick joke the universe wants to play on me?" She cried, "I was finally happy, but here you are, you want to make me miserable right? You have been the source of all the bad things in my life, even before I was born, my mother is dead because of you're selfish actions!" She screamed at him.

"Please forgive me" he said looking down at the floor, he had no right to even call her name "I can't do that" she shook her head, "I'm wrong in every way, Ill admit it, but you need to know the rest of your family" the man said desperately "what family?!" She spat, "your other grandparents, your uncles, aunts, cousins" he mentioned, "I don't care about people who don't care about me" she scoffed at his efforts, "then what about your sisters?" The man pressed "are you also going to ignore their existence?" He asked, Ino froze, "I have sisters?" She questioned.

The man nodded "yes, their in france as we speak, please give me the opportunity to tell you everything" he said, Ino went quite, she had to think "I need time" she stated, "here, take this, it has my number, call me when you've decided" he said handing her a piece of paper, Ino nodded and reluctantly collected the card, Kokonoi glared at the man one last time and they walked away.

Kokonoi pulled the trolley to the away and paid for the drinks he had already taken, he was missing some but his priority was getting Ino out of this store and far away from her father, he opened the car door and she weakly settled in, he turned on the car and drove off, Ino didn't say anything throughout the entire drive she just stared off into nothingness.

When he finally parked the car he turned to look at Ino, how come he didn't notice she had been crying silently since they left? "Ino, are you alright?" He asked putting a hand on her shoulder, she turned to look at him and shook her head "I'm not, what am I supposed to do?" She hiccuped, "it's alright, you can think about that later, but now I'm gonna need you to calm down and breathe" he cooed while rubbing delicate circles on her back.

When Ino calmed down a bit, Kokonoi got down from the car and went over to where she was sitting and carried her into the elevator.

When the door dinged he walked into the living, all the other executives where already there relaxing, well except for Mikey who was just looking out the glass wall, "welcome back did you guys have a great time?" Takeomi spoke up first as he walked up to them, Kokonoi gave him 'the look' and he frowned when he could hear Ino sniffling.

"What happened?" Takeomi asked as he carried Ino out of Kokonoi's arms, all the executives turned their attention to them "she met her father" Kokonoi simply said, "wait wasn't she an orphan?" Rindou whisper asked Kakucho who had no answer, Takeomi sat on the couch with Ino perched on his lap, her eyes had swollen and she looked tired, he cleaned her face with his handkerchief, and comforted her

"Did he do anything to her?" Mikey questioned, "well I was there so no, but he told her to come with him to see her sisters" Kokonoi explained, "she has sisters?" Sanzu questioned, "apparently" Kokonoi sighed, "listen sweetheart, you don't have to go anywhere if you don't want to" Ran said to Ino, she nodded "I don't want to see his face, I thought I had no family that's why I was alone, turns out I do have them they just hate me" she said bitterly, "well if they hate you then they're stupid" Rindou commented.

"Well whatever you decide we'll support you, but you need to rest for today" Kakucho said reassuringly, Ino nodded and Takeomi carried her up to her room, "I want information on her entire family, those who are alive and those who are dead by tomorrow" Mikey said before walking out, "seems like we're pulling an all nighter again, I'll make the coffee" Mochi said.

Takeomi gently dropped Ino on her bed and sat next to her, "what do you think I should do?" She asked, "I'm not really sure, why are you asking me?" He questioned, "well because you're old and with age comes wisdom" she said, "I'm seriously not that old" Takeomi said with a blank face, Ino just giggled, "alright whatever you say" she smiled snuggling into her blanket, "try to get some sleep alright" he said standing up.

"You don't want to spend the night?" Ino questioned, "are you joking? I'd love to, I just thought you'd need space to think" he said, "I don't want to think anymore, please stay with me till I fall asleep" she requested, Takeomi sighed and took off his shoes "how can I refuse if you ask like that" he chuckled and slipped into bed with her, "are you comfortable?" He asked, Ino moved to kiss him before putting her head on his chest, "very" she smiled and closed her eyes.

Takeomi ran his fingers through her hair as she fell into sleep, he smiled as he watched her relax on top of him, eventually allowing sleep to carry him off.

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