Chapter 32 - blood soaked glass

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Alright this whole chapter is a complete flash back but it's not going to be in Ino's POV I'm going to write it like another book.
Let's go.

Ino sat down on her bed after her shower, she was getting ready for school, she's a third Year at the Kugiwara public school and seventeen years old, "what are you doing sitting around you're going to be late" her grandmother scolded, Ino smiled cheekily at her, she really loved her, she looked like the older version of her mom and she gave her a mother's love.

"Sorry Gran I was just lost for a while" Ino said, "well you better find yourself  hurry up breakfast is waiting" the elderly woman said before leaving the room, Ino came to live with her when her mother passed because no one else would take her in, but she was happy to be there with her.

"Alright Gran I'm going" Ino announced putting on her shoes, "have a nice day dear" her grandmother said as she ran off, Ino walked steadily to school, taking in the calmness of the surrounding before she reached the gate luckily she was just in time not to get punished.

Ino walked down the school halls heading straight for her class, "good morning Yutero" the class rep greeted as she entered homeroom, "good morning" she greeted shyly as she sat down, she didn't have many friends but she was well known and liked, she was also ranked among the top five beauties of the entire school, but she wouldn't date anyone because according to her she had no love to give, and was still battling with her depression.

"Abi where you going?" A tall fake blonde asked as he walked down the halls, "lecturers office, where are you going Jiro?" Abi asked back, "same place" Jiro answered, "I wonder what she wants" Abi thought out loud "she probably just want to see that oh so pretty face of your's" Jiro replied sarcastically, "well I am handsome" Abi said proudly, "I was being sarcastic" Jiro raised a brow, "sarcastic or not it's the truth" Abi bragged.

"Good morning" Abi greeted as he and his friend entered the lectures office, "good evening, how are you doing today?" She asked as Abi took a sit next to her, "we're doing wonderful, thanks for the expo on the exam last week it really helped the class" Abi said as he took her hand and kissed it, "it was no trouble at all" she slightly blushed, 'oh brother there he goes again' Jiro shook his head, "so what can I help we with?" Jiro questioned.

"Can you deliver this paper to the Kugiwara public school, my sister visited me this last weekend and she forgot one of her students test scripts" the lecturer said handing the paper to Jiro, "you're sister? Is she as pretty as you Miss Doroki?" Abi questioned flirtatiously as he watched the woman blush, "you flatter me too much Manev" she laughed lightly.

"Woah this student is sharp a whooping 99% I wonder who she is" Jiro said scanning the paper, "yes and without this all her efforts will go to waste so can you please take it" Miss Doroki pleaded, "of course we will" Abi said confidently as he got up, "alright thank you" she waved them off.

"Honestly I didn't think I was going on errands" Jiro sighed, "it's just a tiny stop why are you so pissed?" Abi said as they started walking, "are you trying to fuck the lecturer or what?" Jiro questioned, "nah she's new meaning we can squeeze alot of marks from her if we play our cards right" Abi shrugged.

Once the two arrived in the school it was already recess and students were up and around the halls, 'oh my who are those handsome guys' 'I think they're college students' 'the one with brown hair is so hot is he a model' 'I think they're both models kya' whispers could be heard around the halls as Abi and Jiro walked passed crazed highschool girls.

Abi was relishing in the attention as always, he smiled to majority of the girls who blushed like crazy, "you're just enjoying this aren't you" Jiro said unimpressed, "of course I love the attention" Abi said as he winked at another girl but unlike the others she didn't blush or giggles she just eyed him weirdly before walking away, Abi nearly stopped in his tracks.

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