Chapter 38 - Caribbean arc (trip)

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"Are you ready?" Mikey asked Ino who was folding her clothes, "I just need to finish this and I'll be set" Ino answered while folding her clothes while Mikey sat on the bed, "how long will we be staying?" Ino asked, "about a week" Mikey replied his eyes still fixated on her, "would it be okay to leave for that long?" She questioned, "probably" he shrugged.

"Ino take this with you" Kokonoi said walking into her room with a small package in his hands, "what's that?" She questioned, "oh this is skin care, face wash, sun lotion and other stuff you'll need for your skin" he explained, "oh thank you" she smiled as she put it in her box, "I'm gonna miss you" Kokonoi said sadly with a pout, "I'll miss you too Koko" Ino smiled softly as Kokonoi gently kissed her forehead.

"Have all the preparations been made?" Mikey questioned reminding them off his presence, "yes I've rented out a beach side house and a car will be at the airport to take you there when you land" Kokonoi answered, "good" Mikey said before getting off the bed and leaving, "no! that's final" Rindou said irritated as he entered Ino's room with a pouty Ran behind him.

"Princess please tell Rindou to switch places with me" Ran whined, "I can't do that" she said apologetically, "I'm going and nothings changing that" Rindou said sternly, Ran gasped "and after everything I've done for you when we were younger" he said dramatically "stop it Ran you're not the only one who wants to go" Kokonoi rolled his eyes, "I'm sure you'll go next time" Ino said trying to console the elder Haitani, "when I come back we'll go out to have fun just the two of us alright" she added as consolation, "alright I'll hold you to it" Ran said cheerily.

"Alright, everyone should leave, Ino she has a big day tomorrow" Takeomi said entering the room, "don't tell us what to do" Rindou said folding his arms defiantly, "but he's not wrong" Kokonoi said before leaving, "tch whatever" Rindou scoffed before walking out, his brother following him with a smile.

"You must be very excited" Takeomi stated as he leaned on the nearest wall, "yeah I am" Ino said happily, "well that's good, make sure to take a lot of pictures" Takeomi said handing her a box, she looked at it weirdly, "what's this?" She questioned, "a camera" he smiled, "wow thank you" she beemed, "it's my pleasure" he chuckled lightly, "I'll get going now" he waved before leaving.

Once everybody was out Ino happily jumped for joy as she continued to pack her luggage, when that was done she changed and went straight to bed, although the excitement kept her up most the night.

Ino yawned and stretched at the dining table as everyone laughed and had breakfast, "couldn't sleep princess?" Ran questioned, "I was too excited" she said tiredly as she yawned again, "cute" Sanzu commented, "you can sleep on the plane" Kakucho said as he put two eggs on her plate, "thank you" she said sleepily as she rested her head on the table, "you can't sleep here" Rindou said tapping her lightly, "sorry" she said sitting up.

After everyone was done with breakfast they all left to get ready some for work and the rest for the trip, Ino came down wearing a light sunflower print flay dress with sandals and a white sun hat, "you look so cute, but you know you can just wait till you reach the Caribbeans before you put on that outfit right?" Kokonoi said, "oh" she said quietly.

"C'mon let's get going the car is waiting" Kakucho announced, "alright bye guys" Ino said waving to the others she left behind, "stay safe" Kokonoi waved, "have fun" Sanzu and Ran waved, "don't go anywhere by yourself" Takeomi waved as they all watched the car drive off.

"What's the Caribbeans like?" Ino asked Mochi as they approached the airport, "I've only been there a few times, but it's really warm, has nice beaches, blue seas you know stuff like that" he said trying to explain, "sounds lovely, I've never been to a beach before, I can't even swim" she said thoughtfully, "I can teach, I'm sure you'll enjoy it" Rindou said.

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