Chapter 30 - crazy love

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"say aah" Sanzu pleaded, "Sanzu why are you trying to feed me cereal in the middle of the night?" Ino asked still wrapped in the warm duvet on the bed, "you can't sleep so I thought maybe you're hungry" he explained, "I'm not hungry, I'm just bored and I have way to much energy" she pouted.

Sanzu thought for a while, "why don't we do something interesting until you're tired out" Sanzu suggested, "like what?" Ino questioned, "come with me" he said with a mischievous smile.

"Sanzu when you said interesting I didn't think you meant this" Ino breathed out, "what's wrong with shoplifting?" Sanzu asked out of breath, "you should have at least warned me in advance, we almost got caught, why did we even do this aren't you rich?" She whined, "shhhh someone's coming quickly get in the car" he shushed her as they quickly got in the car, and watched the owner of the shop search for them.

"Watching him search is kinda funny" Sanzu chuckled, "it kinda makes me feel giddy" Ino giggled, "he's gone let's see what we got" Sanzu said as she poured the sweets out of her pockets, "oh I want this" he snatched the chocolate, "I want it too" she complained as she tried to collect it back.

"Nope I'm not sharing" Sanzu said as he held it above her head, "fine" Ino pouted, Sanzu smiled in victory as he opened the wrapper, "hey do you still want some?" He asked Ino who was looking out the window, "yeah" she answered with pleading eyes, "then come get it" he teased as he put half of it in his mouth and waited for her to take a bite like a pokey stick.

Ino looked at him in confusion before sighing and moving herself to straddle him, she took half of the chocolate, her lips grazing his in the process, "it's really good" she said, "yeah but you have some on your lips" he said before using his thumb to clean off the rest of residue, he his finger clean not breaking eye contact with her for a moment, "even sweeter" he commented as he watched her turn red.

"Are you ready to go?" Sanzu asked, "can we just stay here for a bit" Ino requested, "sure" he agreed, as she rested her head on his chest, the sound of his calming heartbeat lulling her to sleep as they enjoyed each other's warmth before Sanzu's phone interrupted, "ugh switch it off" Ino whined sleepily, "just a second princess" Sanzu said as he looked at the caller ID.

"Who is it?" She asked sitting up, "Kakucho" he mouthed as he picked up.
"Hello?" Sanzu answered
"Sanzu where are you?" Kakucho asked immediately
"What do you mean?" Sanzu played dumb
"I mean Omitsu just called me saying neither you or Ino are in the her hospital room" Kakucho explained
"Oh yeah we went out for a little drive since she couldn't sleep" Sanzu half lied as he pulled Ino back down to his chest
"You can't just take a patient out of the hospital without permission, you're lucky Omitsu only has my number" Kakucho sighed in frustration
"Yeah whatever she's fine though, we'll head back now so chill out" Sanzu rolled his eyes
"Let me talk to Ino" Kakucho requested
"What? why? She's fine with me" Sanzu complained
"Just give her the phone, or Mikey will be hearing about this" Kakucho threatened
"Are you threatening me?" Sanzu clicked his tongue irritated
"Call it what you want" Kakucho said nonchalantly
"Ino Kakucho wants to talk to you" Sanzu grumbled as he gave her the phone.

"Hello Kaku" Ino greeted half asleep
"Hello sweetheart, what are you doing now?" Kakucho questioned
"Eating chocolate" she giggled
"Chocolate? Where did you get that from?" Kakucho questioned
"I stole it" she mumbled
"Oh...wait what?!" Kakucho exclaimed
"She meant she stole it from me" Sanzu lied as he collected the phone back
"Are you sure? This all sounds fishy" Kakucho questioned
"Yes I'm sure, now I have to take Ino back to the hospital goodnight" Sanzu cut the call.

"You can't just tell people we did that" Sanzu said to Ino as he poked her cheeks, "I'm sowwy" she giggled, "your feeling really giddy aren't you? Is it the chocolate or perhaps the fact that we just had an indirect kiss?" Sanzu teased, "your making to much noise" Ino shushed him as she climbed back to her seat, "let's get you back to the hospital" Sanzu said as he buckled her seatbelt and started the car.

"Mr Sanzu you can't just take a patient out of the hospital without informing me, especially in the middle of the night" Omitsu scolded, "I feel high on cloud nine, like a lama" Omitsu blabbed as Sanzu held her in his arms, "what did she eat?" Omitsu questioned, "just some chocolate and sweets" Sanzu replied "she wasn't meant to take sugar tonight" Omitsu facepalmed, "Sanzu I want more sweets and chocolate please" Ino pleaded, "no more" Omitsu cut in, "party pooper" Ino stuck out her tongue.

"Just take her to her room she'll soon crash" Omitsu directed, "alright good night" Sanzu said as he carried Ino to her room.
"Alright time to sleep" Sanzu said as he sat lay down next to Ino, "goodnight love you" Ino mumbled as she snuggled up to Sanzu and drifted off to sleep.

Ino woke up to an empty bed and sat up, the memories of last night flashed through her mind as she layed back down and covered her face in embarrassment, "you're awake?" Takeomi asked, "what time is it, and where's Sanzu?" She questioned, "It's 12pm and Sanzu went home" Takeomi explained, "12? Wow!" She exlaimed, "I heard you had a sugar crash" Takeomi said as he sat on her bed, "yeah" she answered nervously.

"Are you hungry?" Takeomi questioned, "whether she is or not she still needs to eat" Omitsu cut in as she entered the room, "good afternoon" Ino greeted nervously, "good afternoon, make sure you finish eating all these and take these drugs, I'll be back to check on you in a bit" Omitsu directed before she left.

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