Chapter 10: Let's Do This!

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Bess turned to Aidan and gave him a huge smile. 

"Knew you were my favourite! Now show me what outfit you've got her so we can run through this choreography she's got and start making decisions."

"Star said this was something she'd never worn because when it arrived it was too small and her new implants wouldn't fit." Aidan was holding up what looked like a lacy balconette bra, ruffled panties and stockings/garter combo. It was beautiful but holy shit was it small! Good thing I'd waxed in preparation for our anniversary dinner.

"Oh yes that will definitely work. The white fits with the whole innocent vibe I'm thinking and it's revealing enough to taunt them if you decide you don't want to actually strip and show your assets on stage. Have you decided yet what you plan to reveal?"

Aidan was suddenly glaring at me.

"What's that look for? This was your idea!" I felt myself blush for some reason, worried that he now didn't approve of the plan.

"I'm just realising, which is stupid considering I suggested it, but you're going to be taking your clothes off in front of all those men."

Bess looked at him like he was an idiot.

"Aidan this was your idea buddy and of course the men are going to see. That's the whole point!" Bess was now glaring. At Aidan.

I felt confused and uncomfortable.

"I fucking know that Bess, but it's now real. I've got scraps of lace in my hand and you guys are working on a routine. I'm all for girl power but fuck!"

"Are you jealous?" Bess was now giving him what could only be considered a cheshire cat grin. I felt my cheeks blush. 

"Yeah I am. So what. I know it doesn't make any fucking sense but look at her. She's all Disney Princess and we're planning on putting her up on stage in a strip joint!"

"You're a genius!" Bess screamed, startling us both.

"What are you talking about?" Aidan was now looking at Bess like she was the idiot.

"Snow White. That's what we'll call her when I introduce her. With the dark hair, big blue eyes and white outfit. I need to find a red headband for her hair and an apple. It's perfect! I'll be back."

Bess gave me an arm squeeze as she dashed from the room. 

Aidan was now frowning down at his shoes. For some reason I didn't like that he seemed upset. Taking a few steps I stopped in front of him.

"Are you mad at me?" 

His head snapped up and he gave me a sad smile.

"Of course not. I'm mad at myself. I never should have suggested that someone like you should strip. It's not who you are, I've made it so you're going against your morals and that's messing with my head. Plus I knew when I suggested this that you'd have to get on stage. Jesus I work here, I know what goes on. But now that it's real I'm just feeling a certain way. A way I have no right to feel. 

"What way is that?" My heart was racing as I thought about what this meant. And why did I care? I was here to catch my cheating boyfriend. Not have heart to heart discussions with a bouncer from a strip club. Shut up stupid heart. Stop racing.

"You know what way I'm feeling. You saw my face when you got out of that Uber. I was attracted to you from the moment you walked up. And talking to you has only made it worse."

"Aidan I'm not..."

"I know Emily. I know you're not here for my bullshit but I can't help how I feel. If you were a different girl I'd offer myself up as a rebound fuck but you're not. I get it."

Rebound fuck! Wow! That wasn't something I thought would be even mentioned when I called the Uber here tonight. But he was right. I wasn't that sort of girl and screwing Aidan wouldn't change my feelings for Grant. I'd loved him too long for that to make anything better. And unlike Grant I wasn't a cheater.

"Aidan you're an amazing guy. In another life maybe we'd be something but in this life I'm just not ready. I mean I'm still in a relationship. Even if it's with a cheating asshole. But you're wrong about going against my morals. I might have never stripped but I am a grown woman who makes her own decisions. Nobody's forcing me into this. I need quick cash and Bess seems to think I can get it. I don't look down my nose at these women who strip. I might not like the one who seems to be currently screwing my boyfriend but that's on him. Not her. Plus I work with plenty of girls who stripped during nursing college to make ends meet. Do what you've got to do I say. As long as you're not hurting anyone. I'm not the moral police."

Bess had returned and was quietly watching us interact. She seemed loud and brassy but she definitely had a good heart.

"You guys good to continue cause I checked with the VIP Bouncer and your man is in a party room with who seems to be his boss and two of our girls tonight. They got it booked for another hour so we don't have long."

At that my heart started to race for a very different reason than it had when Aidan and I were talking. My boyfriend of almost seven years was currently in a private room with not one, but two strippers. 

"Let's do this."

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