Chapter: 15 Apples and their Aftermath

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My heart was screaming at me to get up and get her off that stage. To cover her body so all these slobbering men couldn't look at my sweet girl. But I couldn't seem to move from my seat. I felt liked I was underwater. The noise happening around me. Like I wasn't quite here. I could feel that everything was crumbling down and all my lies were going to be revealed. My mind raced with a million questions. Why was she here? How did she get on that fucking stage? Who was that fucker looking at her like he wanted to eat her alive?

While my brain short circuited my eyes ate her up. She looked extraordinary up there. Her soft body undulating to the music. A slow strut and roll of her hips in time with the beat. The fact she looked a little timid and maybe even scared only added to her appeal. 

The kind of men who frequented these places ate that shit up. They were all thinking about what it would be like if they were the one to get to corrupt someone who looked like her. It had them salivating.

I could see money raining down on the stage and Club tokens being tosses at her feet. The crowd was losing its mind. She wasn't safe up there. 

Why couldn't I move? I needed to grab her and run. Why couldn't I move my useless ass out of this seat!

Watching her bend at the waist and then stand side to the audience, running her hand up her leg, curving her body in an exotic arch that thrust her barely covered tits into the air my heart was pounding. I watched as her beautiful dark hair trailed down her bare back, I knew how that hair felt in your fingers, how that hair smelled. Right now on that stage she looked like a siren. And this audience of men were answering her call.

She then completely turned her back on the audience before wiggling her ruffle covered ass and dropping into a low squat and bounce. That had them going insane. Men were out of their seats cheering and hooting. More money was being thrown than I'd ever seen in all my months of coming here. 

As men made their ways forward, reaching, attempting to tuck a dollar bill into her garter she gave them a small smile and slowly sashayed towards the man in the folding chair.

They had the spotlight following her, highlighting every movement in her body but as she got closer to the man in the folding chair you could see him more clearly. He was watching her with a hunger. Pure lasciviousness on his face. He wanted her. Desperately. 

I needed to get out of this fucking seat. My body had lost the ability to move and I knew that this moment in time would change the rest of my life. I felt the vomit from earlier start to rise in my gut as I finally realised that her being here meant she knew I'd been lying. What that would mean for us going forward?

A roar from the crowd brought me out of my thoughts, snapping my head back to the stage.

Emily was now crawling towards the man in the chair. Her peach shaped ass high in the air as she made her way to his spread legs. You could just glimpse her breasts in that beautiful white bra as they swung with each movement of her body. Once she was close enough she ran her hands up his thighs and leaned in to press a kiss to his stomach. I felt my heart drop. Until that point I'd been the only man she'd ever kissed. She'd been all mine. How could she! I closed my eyes in anguish.

He was standing now. She was kneeled at his feet. Looking like the perfect sacrifice with her little ruffle panties framing her ass and her head tipped back like she was worshipping him. 

Men were roaring in the crowd and more than a few were having to adjust their very obvious hard cocks. I could feel how hard I was at the sight of her and instantly felt sick. Realising that my dick still held condom residue from where I fucked Roxy. I was worried about her kissing a man's chest and I'd been inside another woman. Fuck!

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