What's Next

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And that's the end of my first completed and published story. I hope that I did Emily justice.

A huge THANK YOU for every single vote, comment and follow. It really meant the world to see you reading and enjoying my words. 

I'm grateful for every single comment and I do read them all. I haven't been replying to many as I was focused on using the time I had available to get the story finished for you.

I did find myself chuckling at how much you all hated Grant. FYI this story changed from the original draft on my computer, in that one he was the hero. While I was writing this month the characters decided to go rogue, I originally planned to make him redeemable, but then he decided to participate in the group sex scene with his boss and he had to go... and that's where Aidan stepped in.

I have my next 3 stories planned and they will be: 

Bess aka Angelique and her troubled relationship with Mattia before and after she came into Emily's life. It's a rough ride for sure. I've added a story for them so you can add it to your library, that way you'll be notified when I start updating.

After that I've got an MC age gap that's around fifty percent finished.

Then for a change of pace I've got a Fated Mates story. 

All of these are full of angst, I don't seem to be able to tell a story without hurting my characters at least a little. 

I'm off on summer holidays with my family tomorrow so writing time will be scarce for the next few weeks but I'd love you to give me a follow so you'll know when my next stories are posted.

Thanks again for your support and I'm looking forward to 2024 being full of new stories for you all to enjoy.

Happy New Year!!

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