Chapter 35: Meant for each other

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The mood in Bethany's room was tense. What should be a joyful time because her daughter was finally awake was being marred by the presence of this man. I still didn't know what he'd done to her, but it must have been bad to see her run away with her daughter and hide her for six years. I didn't like him on principle. 

Bess was talking quietly with Bethany and Aidan while we waited for the doctor to come and check her. Aidan was showing Beth animal videos on his phone and her giggle was the best sound I'd ever heard. Mattia had returned from his visit to the nurse's station and after glaring at Aidan one more time he'd taken a seat on the large bed in the corner and gotten on his own phone and started conversing quite angrily with somebody in Italian. I didn't know what he was talking about but by the look on my friend's face it concerned her.

Wandering to her side I leaned in as if I was hugging her and whispered in her ear.

"Aidan says there are people from the club who can help you if you don't want to go with him. Just say the word and he'll get them here to the hospital. You two can disappear and he won't be able to stop you." 

She returned my hug before leaning in to kiss my forehead. She was being strangely nice and I was finding it very unsettling. She gave Beth a pat on the leg then turned her body so she wouldn't hear her speaking. Her voice when she answered me was low, but not a whisper like mine had been. I saw Aidan increase the volume on his phone a little and Mattia paused whatever he was saying to try and listen to us.

"I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me and trust me when I say he won't hesitate to hurt you or Aidan if I disappear. So unless you're signing up to a life on the run then I have to go with him."

I realised Mattia could in fact hear what she was saying by the way he immediately ended his call and made his way straight to us. At his approach Aidan stood from his chair, passing Beth his phone and turning up the volume even further. I could hear cat meows and laughter from whatever she was watching. Within seconds he was standing beside me. Blocking the little girl from seeing what was about to happen and also showing his support. 

Mattia leaned into me in an aggressive way I didn't appreciate. 

"I have already warned you once but see I have to do it again. Do not interfere in business that is not yours. My wife is right that I won't hesitate to hurt you if you get in my way. That will only upset her but it won't stop me, so stay out of what you know nothing about."

Aidan and I spoke at the same time.

"Do not threaten her!" 

"All I know is that nobody runs from their spouse and hides for six years if they're in a good marriage."

Mattia gave me an angry look before turning to his wife.

"Angelique speak with them or I will take steps to ensure they stay out of my way."

Bess took hold of my hand and turned to Beth.

"Mummy is just going into the hall with Em and Aidan okay. We're going to see if we can hurry up those nurses and get you juice.

Distracted by her cat videos she didn't even look up.

"Okay mummy. I am very, very thirsty."

Using her hold on my hand she lead me towards the door. I think she knew that Aidan would follow.

Once in the hall she took a dozen steps from the door and released my hand before she spoke in a quiet but firm voice.

"Please stop pushing him. My husband is not a good man. He will not hesitate to hurt you. You are nobody to him. The fact you matter to me and supported me yesterday during Beth's trauma is the only reason he hasn't had you thrown out."

She nodded her head towards the two large man wearing suits that were standing outside Beth's room.

"Those guys will happily put a bullet in you before you can blink. Their loyalty is only to Mattia and if he says jump, they say how high. So as much as I love you for your support you need to stop."

Aidan was very unhappy with her words and didn't hesitate to respond.

"The fact you're thinking of leaving with him is insane. He is clearly a bad man and you do not deserve to spend your life with him. I'm not sure how the fuck you ended up hitched to that guy but even if you are married it doesn't mean he gets to control your life." 

I heard the door open down the hall and looked to see Mattia staring at us.

"Beth is asking for you Angel and your mother would like to talk with you." He shook his phone from side to side to show she was still on the line before giving his wife a smirk "She was so shocked but completely overjoyed to hear that we had reconciled. Come." 

At the mention of her mother Bess turned back to me but she'd lost all the colour from her face.

"He knows that she helped me. Fuck! I can't let him hurt my mother. I can't. I know you don't understand but I have to go with him. If I behave and settle back into his house he will let me stay in touch. Please don't push. I need to leave here today knowing you are both okay. Can you do that for me. Please." 

The desperation in her voice had me agreeing.

"Okay Bess. We won't push. Whatever you need. Just remember my offer and if I can ever help please call me."

"You guys need to go. I will call you once I'm settled but if you don't hear from me for a while please don't worry. He wouldn't ever physically hurt me or Beth. That's the only thing I'm 100% certain of. I love you both. This year with you in my life Em has been the best I've ever had. And Aidan I've never trusted a man the way I trust you. Thank you."

She grabbed me into a tight hug and Aidan embraced us both. I swear I heard Mattia growl from his place down the hallway. 

"Angel come to me now." I guess his patience had run out.

"Aidan the ownership paperwork for Rouge is in my safe. It's in the red folder on the second shelf. I wasn't just the Manager, I was the owner. I've signed everything over to you. Do with it what you want but I have to say if you want a real chance at winning this one's heart" she tilted her head to me and smiled, while Aidan stood there with his mouth open "you probably need to offload it and invest that money in another business that doesn't involve half naked women and bad memories. And Emily there's also a blue folder in there with your name on it, Aidan can get it to you. It contains the deed to my house, it's already signed over to you. I knew this day would eventually come and I wanted you both taken care of." It was my turn for my mouth to drop open.

She stepped out of our arms and took two steps before turning back.

"I've never seen two people more meant for each other than you two. Aidan you're genuinely the best man I've ever met and Emily, you're the type of woman I hope Beth grows up to be. So get married, fuck like rabbits and give me lots of babies to spoil. I love you both more than you'll ever know. Now go."

With that she headed towards her husband. Giving Goon on the left a smack to the chest and a wink as she passed by.

"I though it was you Bruno. You've grown up nicely. You got yourself a woman yet?" 

The man looked shocked she'd spoken to him but didn't reply. Instead his eyes flicked to his boss and he kept his mouth firmly shut. 


There was so much to that one word. He was glaring at her with a combination of fury and lust. I didn't know what their future held, but I did know that things were going to be very bumpy. He might want his Angel back but I wasn't sure if he could handle the woman she'd grown into. 

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