Bonus Epilogue: Grant POV

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As a reader who loves betrayal stories I often wonder how the previous hero or heroine feels when their partner moves on with someone else. I've always wanted a glimpse into how it makes them feel to see them happy with someone else, when once upon a time they were yours.

So this is a little bonus epilogue. It's Grant's POV of seeing Emily at a wedding three years after they break up. How he feels seeing her and knowing he still loves her. Probably always will. Seeing her with Aidan.

Enjoy x


I couldn't believe I was in the same room as Emily. I hadn't seen her in over three years. She'd cut all contact with me after I blew our world apart. It had taken me months to accept it but a conversation with my father finally made me let her go. He'd made me realise that what I was doing wasn't right and that if I didn't stop she'd eventually go to the police. It wasn't the threat of the police that made me walk away, it was the way my mum had cried when she'd described how upset Emily was when she'd sought them out to try and talk me into leaving her alone.

I still missed her and looking at her today she was even more beautiful than I remembered. Nobody compared to her.

I'd been with a handful of women in the last three years but nothing serious. How could I give my heart to anyone when she still owned it. I felt my stomach turn as I approached her. Unsure of the first thing to say to her after all this time I kept it simple.

"Hi Emily."

She turned at the sound of my voice and smiled. That beautiful smile I'd taken for granted was pointed in my direction for the first time in over one thousand days. Oh how I'd missed it.

It had to be a good sign that she was smiling right. She wasn't scowling at me or telling me to fuck off. Her smile felt genuine, as if she was happy to see me. She stepped forward and placed a soft kiss against my cheek as I held her to me. She still smelled the same. God how I'd missed her smell. I hated letting her go but didn't want to scare her by coming on too strong.

"Hello Grant. I didn't know you were coming to the wedding."

"I wasn't going to be able to make it originally but I shifted some things at work and was able to RSVP last minute."

At the mention of work her face fell a little before she smiled, a little less brightly now. Fuck! Why would I mention work. Thank god she didn't know I'd only RSVP'd yes once I'd heard from a mutual friend that she was attending.

"Not sure if you remember but I don't work at Kent and Brockman any more Emily. I couldn't stay there after what happened. I'm at Baxter and Finch now. Not as prestigious a firm but much better people."

She gave me a sad smile and then reached out to touch my arm.

"In spite of how we ended Grant I'm very sorry that happened to you. I wish you'd spoken up earlier. You didn't deserve to lose your job. Those men were truly awful people. You shouldn't have been basically fired."

She couldn't help but be kind to me. Even after all I'd done. That's just who she was.

"I'm not sorry. I never should have stayed working in a company with that environment. I'll regret it every day for the rest of my life. The way I hurt you. I'll never forgive myself for that. I'm still sorry."

She took a sip from her glass of wine and I knew I had to shoot my shot. I'd regret it if I didn't at least try.

"Emily I've changed a lot these last three years, I was wondering..."

I never got to finish that sentence because she was now looking past my shoulder. A smile on her face that completely lit her up. The kind of smile she used to greet me with when I came through the door after a long day. A very different smile to the one I'd just received.

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