Chapter 30: Tiramisu and Tales

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After talking to the Nursing unit Manager for tonight's shift, who happened to be a friend, and getting her reassurance that she'd call me if Mattia attempted to take Bess or their daughter from the hospital I headed towards the elevators where Aidan was waiting for me. 

Once safely inside with the doors closed I explained what I'd done at the ward desk. He gave me a smile. 

"Good thinking, I was worried we'd show up tomorrow and she'd have disappeared."

I leaned against the wall in the elevator as we descended. It had been a long day and with what had just happened I didn't see myself getting a whole lot of sleep. 

"You okay?"

Aidan was watching me in that gentle way I remembered from our one night together. 

"Not really no. I'm worried about her. She ran from this man and hid for six years. There had to be a good reason. Now he's back and before you arrived she told me he'd make her return to Nevada with him, like she didn't have a choice."

"Like fuck he will. If Bess doesn't want to go, he won't be making her. She's got a lot of friends she's made at the Club and some of them are the type that can help if he tries to take her by force."

I stared at him and wondered if it would come to that. 

"I can't believe she's married, or that her name isn't Bess."

With my statement his head jerked back.

"What do you mean her name isn't Bess?"

"Didn't you hear him calling her Angel? Her name is actually Angelique. She went by Bess while she was on the run from him. A name I think holds special meaning for them both."

"Wow! I had no idea. I thought Angel was just a pet name he used. She always came across as this Boss Lady, large and in charge. No fucks given. The only time I ever saw a soft side to her was when she was around Beth and even that was rare. She kept her Club life and her personal life very separate."

Thinking of my friend and what her future might entail made me sad. 

"I'll walk you to your car. It's late and you shouldn't be going into that car park alone."

I thought about the last time a man had confronted me in that car park. It seemed like forever ago, and just yesterday too.

"I don't actually have my car today. I got an Uber as my car is at the mechanic. With everything that happened this afternoon I never went and picked it up."

"I'll drive you home then. You're not getting an Uber at this time of night."

I'd forgotten how bossy he could be. It was never overbearing but he definitely had a macho way about him. 

"You realise I'm a full grown woman right. I get myself to and from work all by myself every shift." I couldn't help but sass him a little.

"I know you're a grown woman. Believe me I know, but I'm still giving you a lift home." He was staring at me in a way that made my insides feel all squirmy.

"Thank you. I'd actually appreciate that. Do you mind if we go through a drive through, I haven't eaten since lunchtime and I have nothing in my apartment after a lot of overtime and studying for my exams. I think I have a jar of mayonnaise and some stale cereal. Today was meant to be grocery day after I picked up my car."

"You need to make sure you eat Emily. Lunch was fucking hours ago. How about we go to Mimmos and have something decent to eat. They make fantastic pasta and are open until late to catch the post concert crowd."

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