Chapter 16: Another life

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That shower was probably one of the best I'd ever had in my life. I stayed under the spray until my mind stopped spinning. I wasn't sure how long I'd been in there but I knew it was long enough for the second round of what I imagined would be many more tears to finally stop. 

I felt drained. Empty.

Without the noise of the water I could hear Aidan in the other room. Unsure what he was doing, but comforted by the fact he hadn't bailed as soon as he let me into the apartment owned by the Club. Bess had informed me just before I took the stage that Aidan would be driving me there as soon as I was done on stage. And that I'd be staying there, rent free, until in her words "I packed my shit and left that cheating fuck face in my rear view mirror."

As I dried myself with one of the softest towels known to man my mind went to Aidan. How he'd been quietly supportive since we'd left the club. Sensing I wasn't up to talking, he'd made idle comments every now and then or given my arm or neck a gentle squeeze. 

When we'd got to my apartment and I saw the remains of our anniversary dinner on the table I'd lost it. He hadn't hesitated to pull me into his arms and let me bawl my eyes out. Seeing that table and remembering that a few short hours ago I'd been waiting to celebrate our seven year mile stone now seemed surreal. My life was in shambles and the man I thought I'd spend my future with had been regularly hooking up with strippers.

He'd held me until I got myself together. Making quiet noises of support and calming stroking my back and my hair. I shouldn't have felt so comfortable in another mans arms but there was something so solid and safe about him. 

Once I got myself together I'd gathered a week's worth of clothes and Aidan got my large suitcase down from the hall closet while I'd packed up some toiletries, my kindle, chargers and laptop. When he gently suggested I apply for some leave I'd started crying again. I was meant to shadow my mentor tomorrow and because of Grant's behaviour I knew I wouldn't be in any state to support her professionally. God! I was so mad at him! 

After sending her a quick message explaining I had a family emergency and would be off this week we'd jumped into Aidan's truck and headed for the Club's apartment. My mind had shut down during the drive. Unable to think about what I'd experienced tonight or what my next steps would be. I'd stared out the window not seeing anything.

Pulling up outside the building had ended my moment of peace and my eyes filled with tears when I realised I'd be sleeping somewhere other than with Grant this evening. Apart from the nights he stayed in the work apartment we'd never spent a night apart. I didn't have any family to visit and when we stayed with his parents we'd always shared the garage apartment I'd lived in the last year of high school. I felt my eyes fill with tears when I realised I wasn't just losing Grant but his family as well.

Aidan was so gentle with me as he helped me from the car and handled my bags. I felt like a zombie, shuffling along beside him, not engaging and only partially present. The building had  good security, and a doorman. He explained the safety features and introduced me to the man at the front desk. Giving him my name and explaining I'd be staying for at least a week. He handed me a swipe card for the entry door. He explained they were for after hours access but I didn't really plan on going anywhere anyway. Once he'd gotten me safely inside the apartment he sent me straight into the bathroom for a shower sensing I needed some time alone. I'd let the warm water cover me as my heart broke and tears joined the water pouring over my face. 

Shaking my head to clear myself from those thoughts before I started crying again I pulled on some leggings and a t-shirt. Reaching back into the bag I remembered I hadn't packed any hoodies as they all belonged to Grant and I couldn't face putting them in my suitcase. I regretted it now because despite my warm shower I was freezing. I felt cold down to my bones and I needed the comfort only a soft oversized hoodie could bring. Maybe I'd jump on Amazon later and order myself a new mens XL hoodie that wasn't tainted by Grant. Putting my hair up in the towel to soak up the last of the water I headed out to find Aidan.

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