Chapter 11: Choices

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This was it. The point of no return. This was the moment I became someone I hated. I had a choice to make tonight and I was horrified to say I didn't know which way it would go. How had I ended up here? Where the fuck had I gone so wrong?

"Mindy go get another bottle of scotch would you. I need a fresh drink."

"Sure thing baby. Don't start without me..." Her fake giggle and voice were like someone poking me in the ear with a sharp stick. 

"Not making any promises." 

Mindy scurried out the door, obviously in a hurry to return before she was replaced. 

" G you've been keeping Roxy all to yourself and I think it's time I got a turn with her. What do you say. Wanna share?"

"Share? What do you mean?" My heart was pounding. I knew exactly what he meant but I was trying to stall.

"I'll take her ass and you take her pussy."

Oh shit! I was going to have to do it. No way could I fake it if we were sharing her. He'd know for sure.

"You don't want to wait for Mindy. She's gonna be pissed if you start in with Roxy before she gets back. She's possessive over you."

I was scrambling, trying to think of any reason that might keep me from having to cross that last line of betrayal. 

"Nah it's probably a good idea. Bitch thinks I belong to her or some shit. Sean was telling me the stripper he banged on Saturday told him that Mindy said I was off limits. Fuck that. She sucks cock like a hoover but no woman owns me. Not even the one with my ring on her finger."

Simon was chuckling and didn't have a care in the world. Meanwhile I felt myself spiralling and had to work hard to keep my face neutral. 

Roxy had made her way back to us. Closer by Nine Inch Nails was now playing from the speakers set up in the room. She definitely wasn't subtle. 

She was stroking my chest and smiling at us both.

"What are you two talking about over here. Have we decided who gets to play with who? I know my preference..."

"And what would that be sweetheart." Simon was eyeing her up like a piece of meat in a butcher shop window.

"Both of you. I've wanted you to join us for a while Simon but Mindy's a friend so I didn't want to cause problems. But if you instigated it then she knows I can't say no." She shrugged her shoulders and gave him a wink. 

"Plus Grant deserves something extra special tonight. Seeing as it's been six months since we started hooking up. A guy like him knows how to treat a girl and I want to make all of his fantasies come true. He mentioned he'd always wanted to try a threesome but his girl was a little vanilla for that. If he was mine he could share me with whoever he wanted."

She smirked as she mentioned Emily and I regretted ever talking to her about us. I'd not only betrayed her by lying and touching this woman but I'd also betrayed her by sharing secrets that were nobody's business but ours. 

"Funny you say that because we were just discussing the same thing."

Mindy chose that moment to walk through the door with a tray. Bottle of scotch, bucket of ice and two glasses balanced on top. She prepared two drinks and made her way towards us with some extra sway in her hips. 

"Glad to see you didn't start without me. Where do you want me baby? I've had my plug in all night so I'm ready for you."

"Change of plans tonight sweetheart. G Man and I are sharing Roxy. You can watch and get yourself off. Then once we're done with her you can lick me clean and if you manage to get me hard again I'll fuck you too." 

Mindy's face screwed up when she heard that Simon would be screwing Roxy. Probably worried she was going to lose her cash cow. 

"Sorry Mindy, but you know I can't say no to the clients. If we can get ourselves situated just right I'm happy to eat your pussy while they fuck me. Wouldn't want you to feel left out." 

The fake pout she gave Mindy made her scowl even more. 

"Fuck yeah that's what I'm talking about. Now G I'm an ass man myself so I'm taking that. You get on the sofa and she can ride you. I'll get in behind and then Mindy can sit on the arm of the sofa and get her pussy licked good. Fuck I love my life!" 

Was I really going to do this? Was I going to cross that final line? I couldn't do it to her. Even if she never knew about this I'd know and I didn't want to be that man. I wasn't that man. 

"Yo G I forgot to say that just before we left the office Hank from Kingston called and said he's thrilled with your work, wants you as his primary moving forward. So it seems putting you on that account was the right decision. Keep that shit up and you'll be added to the Flinders Account next month. Those guys are where the serious money's at. Sean just bought himself a new Porsche Cayenne with his bonus. You're playing with the big boys now Grant. Bet you're happy you didn't pussy out on us now." 

I could hear him laughing but my mind was focused on only two words - Flinders Account. 

That kind of money could mean a starter home for us. Sean might blow his bonus on a sports car but I'd use it to buy Emily her first home. Repay her for all the support she'd give me to get to this point. In spite of my current behaviour I did love her. She was my world. I'd loved her since eleventh grade. I just needed to make it through a few more months then I could resign and find a new job away from these awful people. 

We'd be set up with a little financial buffer and Emily could go back to school and do her Doctors of Nursing Practice like she dreamed. We could get engaged. All while living in our first home together. We'd get our happily ever after. It was so close I could taste it.

I just had to get through tonight. Keep my shit together.  Lie to my girlfriend for a few more months. Lie to myself. Could I do it?

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