Hands out of his pants, Charlie...*

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I chuckled nervously, knowing how Truth or Dare always goes. Mostly totally unhinged 'interesting' things happen. Michael and Evan join me and Liz in my bedroom, sitting on my bed. Liz rubbed her hands together sinisterly. I'm kinda scared of this girl...

"You start, Y/N!" Liz chirped. I giggled nervously and decided to play it safe the first time. "Liz, Truth or Dare?" She groaned. "Noo! Ask Mikey! But fine." 

"D-" Before Liz could answer Charlie came in and sat herself right in between Michael and Evan. "Hey, baby." Charlie put her hand all over Michael's hair. Micheal grimaced and glared at her as he uncomfortablly shifted away. Liz stood up and purposefully let her hair smack Charlie. Glad to know Lizzie hated Charlie too. "I was going to choose dare before this thing interrupted me." "Damn, Lizzy." Michael snickered. Oh man, I could listen to his laugh all freaking day. CBIUPBU$YU$YBFUHhelpmeBPTCRVYUBVYFCTUDYV

Charlie scoffs and crosses her arms, an ugly pout on her face. It doesn't suit her. "Anyway, Liz, I dare you to Michael's hair!" I wanted something simple. Boring, I know. She giggled and Michael looked at me with a face of horror. Long story short, this is how it turned out.


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I looked at him in shock and smirked. "Liz, I didn't know you were this good!" I laughed. She playfully stuck her tongue out at me and I returned it. Michael checked himself out in the mirror as he nodded and smiled. "I'm just irrisibtable, aren't I?"

Charlie stood up abruptly, "Why, yes you-"

"Mikey's turn!" Liz interupted. Charlie looked at him expectantly. "Y/N, Truth or Dare?" I turned bright red and mumbled something about boring dares. "I dare you too... Sleepover at my house Saturday night." He smirked and looked at me. "Just you, and me." I laughed nervously and agreed. "I'll need to check with Henry, of course," I said. He nodded and eventually the topic shifted to Hurricane High, where we were going to go to school. "So," I said. "Tell me about the school, your friends, you know... basics." He chuckled and threw his hands in the air dramatically. "Wow, you must be pretty desperate." 

I laughed and shoved him, saying, "You wish." Charlie loudly yawned and decided to lay her head on Michael's lap. He started looking really uncomfortable but decided not to say anything. "Uh- uhm," He mouthed 'save me dumbass' and glared at me. I stood up and yelled loud enough for the adults to hear. "CHARLIE GET YOUR HANDS OUT HIS PANTS!" Michael held in his laughter as Henry quickly came into the room and saw a fake-disturbed Michael. "Charlotte! Room! Now!" She tried to explain but Henry cut her off and sent her to her room. Now that problme was taken care of.

I snickered as Henry apologized on Charlie's behalf and walked out of the room. "So, how 'bout that movie?" I asked. He nodded and I gestured over to my bed and pulled out the snacks in my drawer while unpacking. He chuckled as I passed him some snacks while turning the TV on. 

About halfway through the movie, both he and I got bored and decided to talk instead. "So, about your friends..." I started. "What're they like?" Oh man, when he was tired, his English accent really showed. It was kinda hot. Why are they so fricking seductive?! Okay, I'll stop now...

"Well, love, there's Jeremy, Vincent, Mark, and Fred. We call Vincent Vinny, by the way. I've gotta warn you though, they are troublemakers. They'll probably harass you, but I'll take care of that." He winked and I giggled. "Anyway, the worst is Fred, he's a frickin' pervert." His accent showed heavily and I snickered. "I didn't know you were that British, Afton." He shrugged and said, "Yeah, I know, I'm cool." I laughed and yawned loudly. "Tired?" He asked me. "Yeah, I guess." Michael put his arm around me and we laid there in a comfortable silence. Not an awkward one, but a relaxing one. I quickly fell asleep, taking in Michael's scent. Pine trees. Why do I like him this much?!



12:08. She fell asleep on me. I mean, I'm not complaining. She smelled nice and it was relaxing. I could for sure stay like this forever. Unfortunately, I got a text from my old man telling me we had to go. And before you say so, no, I can't just ignore it. My father would beat me. I'm not exaggerating.

 I carefully came out of Y/N's room and closed the door as softly as I could. "Here, fatha." He nodded and I picked up both sleeping kids on the living room couch. Of course, my father didn't help. It's not like he cares about me. We walked out the front door as Henry waved bye to us. Henry is more of a father to us, than my dad could ever be. Henry was amazing. He fed us, treated us nicely, took us places, and now, I could go to his house without worrying about Charlie. Ugh, she disgusts me.

A lot.

We walked out in silence to the car, and the second the door closed, Father started shouting. "MICHAEL!" I internally groaned. "Yes, Fatha?" I buckled the still-sleeping kids. "You pathetic, little, ungrateful kid.  " I furrowed my eyebrows.

 "What did I do?!" 

"Don't have an attitude with me!" 

"I didn't do anything though!"

He hit me hard in the nose and I groaned in pain. I was used to it by now.

Lizzy shifted in her sleep and mumbled, "Daddy?" William's facial expression immediately changed. He gently took her in his arms and cooed. "It's alright, Elizabeth. I'm right here." I hate the way William treated my siblings. It wasn't bad. That's the point. I'm jealous. I don't know what I did to not be treated like them.

Aside from Father yelling countless insults at me, the ride home was silent. He pulled into the driveway and went inside without a word. I scoffed and picked up both kids and headed inside. What a jerk.

My father immediately walked inside his basement door and turned all 5 locks on the door. He never let us go in there, or even near there. He was probably working on those stupid animatronics though. Although I have no idea why he would be so secret about it. I walked over to Liz's room and tucked her in. "Night night, Mikey." She whispered. I faintly smiled and mumbled, "Don't call me that." I walked out and did the same with Evan. "Michael, put Fredbear in his crib!" I chuckled and gently placed his golden brown plush into the plastic box even had next to him. He burritoed himself in his blanket and fell asleep almost immediately.

I did my usual night routine. Shower, brush teeth, change. One thing was different though. I couldn't get Y/N out of my mind. She constantly occupied my every thought. Man, she was beautiful. I was insanely excited for Saturday. I can't wait to tell my friends about her.

For the first time in months, I slept peacefully that night.


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