''...I'm not scared, I'm just hurting''

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You guys conversed on the park bench about how you planned to talk to Elizabeth. You would come in first, hang out with her, and then Michael would enter after a bit. This also had to Be when William wasn't home so he didn't and wouldn't eavesdrop. 

There was a major problem, however. Elizabeth was a Daddy's girl, and there was an ultimately high risk of her spilling the beans to William. That would certainly lead to your death and Michael's suffering. You also couldn't outright say that he's a kidnapper, and he's probably gonna kill you if he finds out about Michael's and your plan.

After you guys convinced Elizabeth, you were going to text Sammy to come over to Henry's, inform him of the plan, and commence phase two. Phase one was the one that scared Michael the most.

Phase One __

You told Henry to rest and have a guy's night with William. Of course, he was skeptical at first, but soon he gave in. They planned to go to a fancy restaurant down the road, reservations placed by Michael. 

"Alright, Henry, but don't tell William we set this up."

He raised his eyebrows. "Why not? I'm sure he would appreciate it!"

"Uhm, well, it's a surprise?" Your statement sounded more like a question. Michael chimed i, backing you up.

"We thought he could get some free time, y'know, since the incident." You both nodded vigorously.

"Well, I supposed I don't have to tell him it was you two."

You mentally high-fived yourself. Next, you guys had to wait for them to leave and go to Williams. Meanwhile, Michael notified you to let Sammy know to come tonight.

                                                                   Sammy 😁

                                                                                                                             hey sam

yea new girl

                                                                                                          updates on charlie. Afton house at 8, mk?

alright thanks for letting me know

cya then

                                                                                                                                bye :)

Michael peaked over at your text messages a few times, seeing your smile. "Who's got you in a tizzy?" He asked, sounding annoyed. "Just letting Sam know. And he doesn't put me in a "tizzy"!" You said putting air quotes around the word tizzy. "Ah, so you guys are on a nickname basis now?" You rolled your eyes. "Haha, whatever." 

In the next few minutes of awkward silence, Henry finally came out of his room, in a tuxedo. "Oooh look at you!" Michael said, squealing like a mom getting her daughter ready for prom. You giggled and the awkward tension faded just as fast as it had appeared. "Thanks for setting this up, kiddos." You smiled sweetly and nodded your head.


You and Michael headed to his house. It wasn't far, so you two arrived just on time, seeing Sammy standing in the doorway. You gave a small smile and waved at him, much to Michael's annoyance. What is his problem? The plan was for you and Sammy to enter first, and when you gave the all clear Michael would also sneak in.

You creaked open the door. Face to face with a little girl, who seemed all too familiar. "Hey, Liz." You mumbled softly, crouching down to hug the girl. She immediately broke down and you took her into your arms. 

Dazzling Haze|Michael Afton x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now