My Superman

534 10 99

Playing: Superman|Taylor Swift|Taylor's Version

~Tall, dark, and beautiful~

~He's complicated, he's irrational~

Tw: Slight gore, butterflies, mention of kanoodling.


Why was he being so different in front of his friends? Was he embarrassed about me? We seemed to get along great! Why are boys so complicated?! 

I started toward my last class. I could try to forget about this. You know, drown myself in math. Thankfully, I had Sam in this class. She's pretty cool too. We texted a couple of times during classes when the teachers weren't looking. I invited her over to my- Henry's house on Saturday to join me and Michael for a sleepover.

As I was walking, I heard two Barbie girls, who had on 7 pounds of make-up on, talking about a fight happening in the courtyard. Something over a girl...? Oh come on, I had to see this! I know it's pretty messed up to just watch that happen for entertainment, but everyone else does it. So why not?

I changed direction and speed-walked over to my destination. 

Holy diddly darn fiddle sticks fudgesicle.

It was none other than Michael and Fredrick, throwing hands in the courtyard. A small part of me wanted to see how this would unfold, but I know that's messed up, so I decided to get Michael away from Fred. Wait a minute... wasn't the fight about a girl? I sighed. Okay, maybe a small part of me was jealous. It's not that I wanted them to fight about me. I did, however, not want Michael to love someone else. But he can do what he wants. 

Still, though.

It couldn't have been about me, right?

I dropped my backpack by a bench and charged toward Michael. One small problem. This stupid dumbass grabbed me and held me back. Ugh, one of the Leonardo De Caprio wannabe dudes. "Let me go!" He grunted and held my wrists tightly. "No! We wanna see how this unfolds and we're not gonna let the new girl get in our way!" I tried to fight back, but of course, that failed. My next instinct was to kick him in the well- you know, balls. 

So I did exactly that.

His hands quickly retreated to that area, and he groaned. I darted over to where Michael and Fred were.

"Just stay away from her!"

"Nope, she's hot anyway." Fred flipped him the middle finger.

"She's mine, not yours you dimwit!"

"Michael Afton!" Both boys turned to me, startled. Immediately, they looked away and went back to clawing each other. They were both beat up pretty rough. Michael had a couple of bruises scattered throughout his body, a cut on his cheek, and a bloody nose. Looks like he was winning.

Fred looked a lot worse.

He had a black eye, bruises everywhere, a bloody nose, and a nasty scar on his arm. I practically dragged Michael away from killing the guy. I took his wrist and pulled out a mini-first aid kit I had in my backpack. Lemme tell you, I'm always prepared. Courtesy of my father. "Where are we goingggggg?" He groaned. "The bathroom, british-boy." 

"I can walk, you know."

"I know."

"So let me walk!"

"Hm-? Nah."

He pulled away from me and picked me up. He slung me over his shoulders like a potato sack. Dammit. I forget he's taller and stronger than me. Ugh.

"Put me down!" I swatted his arm. "Hm-? Nah." He mimicked. I eventually gave up, and we finally arrived at the bathroom. Oh my god, was he about to take me into the boys' bathroom?! No! "What- No- Michael the other one!" He chuckled and went into the larger stall.

He FINALLY set me down and smirked. "Did ya like the view-?" 

"Ye- WHAT NO!" I flipped him off. He chuckled and shrugged. "Not my fault I'm handsome."  I gestured for him to sit onto the toilet and I pulled out my mini kit. I crouched down and applied Neosporin to his cut. "Owwww!" I giggled at his reaction. 



I admired her as she gently placed the band-aids on my cuts. "Paw-Patrol, just like you like it," She giggled. She crouched down to place the last one on my knee, and she was close. My face turned red, and I genuinely hope I didn't get... too flustered. If yk, yk. She stood up and smiled. "All done!"

"Nuh-uh!" I said. She frowned and tilted her head to the side. I smirked, stood up, and lifted her chin with my finger. "You forgot the magic kisses!" She raised her eyebrow and turned red. "W-what-?" 

I leaned in close and whispered in her ear. "I won't get better without them."

She giggled nervously and leaned in close. She gently stroked my hair and shrunk the gap between us. She placed a gentle kiss on my nose, jawline, and cheek. 

The butterflies did not help. 

Even though it wasn't on the lips, it was amazing. Her lips were soft, and the feeling of her breath on my neck made me internally fangirl-giggle

She pulled away and smirked. "Enough for you, Afton?" I chuckled and stood up, in unison with the bell.

"You're taking me home today, by the way. Henry said so." I groaned. "But I have plans with my friends!" She giggled and took my hand. "Perfect, I'll come!" I dunno if that's a great idea. Of course, I wanted her too, but Fred was coming too, and I don't want him to... give her the ride of '83 as he said... That obtuse twat.

"I dunno, Y/N."

She frowned. "Is it because you're embarrassed about me?"

"What! No! It's just that..."

I decided to lie. For her safety.

"I don't think my friends like you."

Her frown turned into a smirk. Uh oh. She had a plan. 

"Then I'll make them like me."

"Alright, doll, but you'll have to have dinner at my house first."

Hey! If you've gotten this far, you get blue cookies!

Yes, Blue!

Anyhoo, I wanna recommend some stories!

"You Jerk.."

Son of a Monster


Superstar (one of my personal favorites!)

Stupid Love

They're all Michael Afton x reader, and I loved them!

Thanks so much for taking yalls time to read this <333

I also might do Michael headcannons! 

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