what the shart do i call this chapter

213 5 33

alright I can't stand not being with my man so I'm gonna make yall have one more argument and then yall make up

Another short time skip to three days later! It's Saturday

I had nothing to do, and was feeling bored and lonely so I decided to ask Sammy out on a date.

The phone rang a couple of times but then he picked up. "Uhm, Hello?" I paused for a second then said, "Busy tonight?" His voice suddenly changed and he laughed nervously. "Yeah, sorry. But maybe another night." I sighed disappointedly, said my goodbyes, and hung up the phone.

Great. Nothing to do.

I almost called Charlie to ask her to go to the mall with me, but then I realized she had a date. Not just any date. Michael. He only was going out with her to make me jealous. I wasn't particularly mad about it though, because I was doing the exact same thing with Sammy, but I still did like him.

I missed Michael so much. He probably hates me, and he has a right to. It's all my fault. I hate everything about myself.

Since I knew Michael was going to be gone, I'm going to go over to the Aftons to see Liz. (legit yall i typed liz and evan then I was like frick-) After all, William said I was welcome anytime. And he's a murderer, so hey, killing two birds with one stone, am I right?

I got ready and packed some things to keep me and Liz entertained. It wasn't a short walk so I made it there pretty quickly. I knocked on the door and Liz opened it with a huge smile on her face.

"Y/N! Y/N! I missed you! Where have you been? Why is Michael sad all the time now? Why aren't you guys together yet!?" She blurted out while bouncing on her toes. I smiled and she led me to her room. "I'll tell ya everything, let's just get to your room first."

On the way up, I heard a faint noise coming from Michael's room. As we got closer and as I rushed her a bit, I could tell that it was chords on an electric guitar. "Shi- I mean crap, Liz hurry up!" The chords stopped for a moment and I groaned while practically carrying Liz to her room.

"What was that all about?" She said sassily. I inhaled and started explaining everything.

"So Michael and I got into a huge argument and," my voice got lower. I trusted her with this since I couldn't tell anyone else. "and I kind of got depressed. Yeah I know, it was bad." Her mouth hung open and I smiled awkwardly. "And then he put a bunch of bad posters about me everywhere and embarrassed me. Then I told him that I used to love him." She squealed so loud that I heard Michael tell her to 'shut up before I strangle you'. "SHHH! Then he acted all surprised and we've been making each other jealous since about... 3 weeks ago. And I didn't know he was gonna be here right now!" 

She stood up without a word and brushed off her skirt.

"What are you doing?"

"Putting that as*whole in his place."

"Liz, I swear to the Lord above, DO NOT." She ran before I could catch her and barged into Michael's room with his guitar in his hands. She started screaming at him about how he ruined my life and the entire time I just stood there groaning.

"...AND NOT TO MENTION NOW SHE WANTS TO KI-" I shoved my hand over her mouth before she could say anything else. I hissed at her to shut up and she shot me an apologetic look.

I pulled my sleeves down out of instinct to cover the markings. 

In the stall.

In my room.

At the old park.

Heck, anywhere I was alone.

His eyes darted down to my wrist that just covered up and his eyes widened. Liz stormed out of his room and took me with her.

Michael POV finally


She wouldn't have.

The Y/N I know would never cut herself, nonetheless want to kill herself. I knew she was sad and angry, but I didn't know she was like this.

And it's all my fault.

I was afraid of losing her, so I was a control freak. I was afraid of William getting to her too, so I was overprotective. I regretted what I said to her entirely and wished I could take it back.

To think I made Y/N wanna kill herself. To make the girl I love, kill herself.

What could I do now to stitch up the hole I tore in our relationship? I wanted things to back to normal. Where it was just Y/N and I, becoming best friends and possibly something more.

I canceled my date with Charlie. I didn't want to fight with Y/N. Maybe I could make things right..? I texted Liz about my situation and she agreed to help me. I could hear her ask Y/N in a fake high-pitched voice to sleep over. I knew I shouldn't do this, but I pressed my ear to Elizabeth's bedroom door and listened in.

"...Uhm, I don't know. I'm kinda nervous doing it when Michael's here."

"It'll be fine! He said he still loves youuuuu!"


Y/N opened the door and gave me a questioning look. "Are you- eavesdropping?" I nervously chuckled and scratched the back of my neck. "Erm.. No. Just overheard." I swear I saw her smile for a second but it was replaced with a cold stare. "I wanna go out to eattttt!" Lizzy whined.

"Ugh, fine. Y/N'S PAYING!" I yelled as I ran out of the car.

"MICHAEL AFTON NO I'M NOT!" She screamed as she ran after me. We bumped into each other and both of our faces turned crimson. "Hah, lovebirds." Liz giggled as she stepped over us. We quickly got up and got into the car.

"Oh, sorry. I forgot my phone!" Y/N said as she ran out to grab it. 


Maybe it will all be okay.

I walked back inside the house and looked in Elizabeth''s room for my phone. Weird, it wasn't in there.

I walked down the hall and passed the basement door. It wasn't locked. My curiosity got the best of me.

I cautiously crept down the old wooden stairs. No one was in here. 

All over the walls were photos of people. Kids. The missing kids. My jaw fell open as I saw a wall full of steel knives.

The only thing on the floor was a leather journal. I opened it and the pages were old and stale.

The first entry I looked at was close to the middle of the book.

Victim 9




Throat slit

(yall i cant remember what i put in the journal thing in the first chapter please lemme know if i mixed them up lol)

Willam killed my dad.

He killed my dad.

Greif spread across my body all over again and I sobbed on the floor like a child.

I heard light footsteps on the stairs and saw Michael coming to check on me.

"Y/N! You shouldn't be in here! Wha- Areyouokay? Whathappened?" He crouched next to me and swallowed me in a hug.

"Y-your father k-k-killed my dad." He froze for a moment but took my hand and led me away. I pulled away from him and he had a disappointed look on his face. I wasn't ready. I still had doubts. What if he was using me? What if he pitied me? What if?

What if?

I dried my tears and Liz didn't seem to notice a thing as we got back into the car, driving to G.Z. Ritzy's. (popular restaurants in the 80's)

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