A Normal Day with Depression and Social Anxiety at Hurricane High

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I need more school chapters i swear so ill make one nowwww 

tw: sh and suicidal thoughts

and i bet some of yall mad because Yn and mikey were sooo close to dating but then our man frisked up so were down to the bottom

Time skip two weeks

My alarm clock went off and I threw something at it. I don't know what I threw. Welp.

I didn't put any make-up on today because I didn't care. I put on an AC DC hoodie and jeans. I tied my hair into a messy bun and placed my phone in my pocket.

"Ready, Y/N?" Charlie walked in the door. Her face changed and her eyes lost their twinkle for a second. "Listen, babes, just because some boy broke your heart doesn't mean you have to be sad! I made breakfast for us. Dad's still sleeping."

I didn't start crying or feel regret. I felt angry. I didn't do anything to him, and he's just a control freak.

"Alright, thanks. BUT- Don't you feel like Michael was being irrational? Like, he can't control me, and I didn't do anything to him! I don't need him. I don't."

She smiled. We walked into the kitchen together and ate breakfast while talking about the Valentine's dance coming up. Some boy asked her.

"I'm going to talk to Sammy today. He asked me to be his girlfriend and I'm ready." She squealed. "Finally! He's been talking about you non-stop!" I smiled.

"Let's go prom dress shopping on Saturday!" She suggested. I agreed and we headed out the door. "Do you wanna walk? I can't drive yet, and frankly, I'm too scared." Charlie mumbled. I nodded my head and looked down at my shoes until a car pulled up to where we were walking.

"Hey, Charlie!" I heard the voice shout.


She waved back and a light blush skimmed her cheeks. "Hey, Michael!" I didn't look up, but I could feel his hard gaze on me. "Need a ride, Charlie?" She elbowed me softly and I chirped a little too high-pitched. "Oh, I'll be fine. I'm fine." She gave me an apologetic smile and walked off to Michael's car.

I walked the rest of the way to Hurricane High and arrived after about 15 minutes. 

Someone came up behind me and tapped me on the shoulder. "Hi Y/N!"

I felt immensely grateful. I needed Sammy right now. "I'm ready to be your girlfriend..." I blurted out. His eyes lit up. "Really?!" I nodded and he pulled me into a hug. I saw Michael walking and then stopped to glare at us for a second. "I'm sorry what happened. Are you alright?" I nodded even though it was a lie. I felt like crying again but held the tears back. I wanted Michael more than Sammy, and that was the hard truth. I sniffled and told him it was just allergies.

I walked to the bathroom 5 minutes before class started. I could feel people's stares on me and some glares. I was confused. A girl in the bathroom squealed. "It's the prostitute girl! Ugh, you're so gross!" I gave her a questioning look and awkwardly walked back out.

I headed to my locker before class started and countless pieces of paper flew out and knocked me down. Shichst. I stood back up and my face turned beet red. Everyone around me was laughing. I picked up one of the papers and a picture of me in that tiny black bodysuit that I wore for a dare was plastered on the front with text saying, "Prostitute girl".

There's only one person that could have done that.

I let the tears stream down my face as I stormed up to Michael's first-period classroom, crumpled the paper, and threw it at him. "What the hell is this?!" He rolled his eyes. "I don't know what you're talking about." Thank the lord above the teacher wasn't in the room yet. 

"Oh my God, Michael! I haven't done anything to you! Why?" Everyone was silent.

"To think I loved you," I whispered. 

His eyes went wide and his mouth was slightly agape. I stormed out of there as the teacher walked in with a concerned look on her face. I sat through 1, 2, 3, period like a robot. Answering questions but not taking anything in.

Soon, it was lunch. No one acknowledged me. No one sat with me. I felt alone and inferior, like no one would notice if I just dispeared. 

What was my motive to live?

My family is dead. My grades have been going down. Michael hates me. Frick that, everyone hates me. All I have left is Sammy.

The bell rung but I didn't care about going to class anymore. I walked to the bathroom, ignoring the insults and glares people were shooting at me. I sat in the stall and cried. Before I knew it, it was the end of the day.

I decided to visit my father and mother's grave. I picked up some flowers from the florist and headed down there.


D/N A.                       M/N S.



"TudegRdiebjwvfUu3bkrjcwSoh3brjlcT ugcrbjNrgckuvwdO evwhOehNcbhE"

When was that added? What did it mean? I ran my finger's across the cold stone. 

I didn't want to be here anymore. Like here at all.

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