chapter 10 - assurance and confession

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Walking into the house after a very long and exhausting day of work I hear two voices coming from the living room.

I'm certain the first one is my mom's. I would know her voice even in my sleep. But the other one not so sure but I can guarantee that it's familiar.

"Oh Leanna, don't be ridiculous you didn't out do yourself at all" said my mom as she sipped her champagne.

According to my mother Leanna was the only sensible girl that I could've ever wanted to marry. She says that I would be lucky to have someone as flawless as her by my side. That's why she's not even in approval of Victoria in the slightest.

"Oh , Enzo" said Leanna as she stood up from her seat. "It's been a while since we've last met." She said sweetly while trying to reach out to me.

"I've been busy"

"You aren't busy now are you. You can make time for me right?" She asked batting her eyelashes. Honestly what fun did I have seeing her do this in the first place ?

"I run a Mafia and other businesses do you honestly think I have time for someone like you Leanna ?" I asked her with no concern at all.

"B-but you used to always make time for me. Whenever I asked you Enzo , you'd always be there" she whined and placed both her hands on my chest. "Whats changed ?" She asked sweetly.

"You don't know what's changed Leanna ?" I asked her before removing her arms from my chest.

"No" she replied.

"Well , maybe if you'd attended my wedding you would've known what's changed." I said and went upstairs to find her.

Getting to my room , no getting to our room I held the doorknob and before twisting it and just calmed myself down a bit to avoid snapping at her.

She's a bit of a mouth full and that requires so much freaking patience. But I still wouldn't have it any other way.

"Victoria?" But I didn't receive any response from her. The room seemed awfully quiet and that made my heart skip a beat.

Did she run away ?

I quickly pulled out my phone and dialed Irvine's number.

"Yes Capo?"

"Is Victoria with you?"

"No she isn't, last I heard of her she said she'd be in the cinema room"

"Thanks" I said and quickly ended the call.

Taking long and fast strides to the cinema room I don't know why I felt like she wasn't even in there but I just had to check to be sure.

Opening the door to the room and turning on the lights. I quickly scanned the room but it was empty and worst of all there was no trace of a person ever being in here.

I dialed her number but still noone was answering it just kept of ringing.

"Shit" I cursed as I dialed Mario's number.

"Yes , Capo?"

"Send 10 men into the house immediately"

"Right on it. Is everything okay ?"

"I can't find Victoria."

"Don't worry we'll find her" he said and I ended the call whilst hearing him bark orders to the guards to enter the house and start looking for her.

"The moment you find her you call me first" I said to them and they nodded before spreading out in the house.

I didn't have guards inside the house for privacy reasons but I had many of them outside the house and the gates.

"Did you manage to find her?"

"No still looking" replied Irvine and we both went our opposite directions. I'm sure hearing everyone calling out to her he also joined in the search.

"Noone unfamiliar came into the building , yeah?"

"Not even one " replied Marilyn.

"When was the last time you saw her?"

"She was with Mr Mccarthy, that was when I was serving her breakfast" she explained.

"Fuck , its 7pm " I yelled.

"Look for her outside then. The garden , the green room every other place just find her" I said.

Shit , i was panicking there was no denying that. Where is she.

"Did you try tracking her phone ?" Asked Irvine who was now standing beside me.

"I hadn't placed a tracker in her phone yet"

Irvine then snapped her finger and nodded. "Hey , there's that room. The one she stumbled into this other day. The one with the view of the lake. She might be in there. Let's go check" he suggested.

I didn't gave to argue with him as I took of in that direction calling out to her.

Opening the door the bedroom was empty. The bed was messy meaning she really was in here.

"Victoria?" But she didn't answer

"Victoria , are you in here?" But I still didn't get an answer but my gut told me she really was in here.

Opening the closet door. "Vic- goddammit Victoria what are you doing in there" I said as went to her.

What she said had me shocked.

Was she relating this to what happened to her mother. Did she really think Leanna would ever replace her ?

"Victoria listen to me " I said but she just kept on rumbling.

"Victoria , I need you to listen to me and listen carefully" I said to her again cupping her face and making her look directly at me.

"Noone , is ever going to replace you in my life. I married you did I not ?" I asked her and she nodded.

"Then don't you ever feel insecure about anything at all. And the thing with Leanna , I can guarantee you this. There's nothing going on. You are my wife and I'd be damned if her or anyone else makes your feel so insecure about your position in my life " I said to her.

"Victoria, whatever happens with Leanna remember this much. You are my wife. You're the one I married and that's how it's always going to be. Okay?" I asked her.

" okay" she let out a whisper.

"Let's get you out of her , yes?"

She nodded before she stood up and I took her hand in mine. "Let's get you dinner. Even Irvine is worried about you. Don't ever disappear on us like that ever again" I said to her and she hung her head low like a baby being scolded.

I smiled at her but said nothing after wards.

Getting downstairs to where my mom and the other staff stood.

"You do like attention don't you Victoria?" Said my mother.

"Mama , not now!" I said to her.

"No son , first she trapped you and then forced you to marry her now this drama. Don't you ever get tired of your tricks because I certainly have " she said to him and she bit her bottom lip.

" I'm gonna find something to eat. I'm sorry for making you worry. It wasn't intentional. I'm really very sorry" she said and let go of my hand and went towards the kitchen.

"Mama , what is this?" I asked her and she just scoffed.

"It's me acting as your mother."

"By doing this?".

"We both know Leanna is good for you the best infact?".

"I love Alicìa. You've known that since I first met her. Don't act like it's something new to you" I said to her and walked away from her.

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