chapter 13 - the auction

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"I Cant credunt de omni populo i couldve semper accepit uxorem ad eam sicut factum est ut you"

(I cant believe that out of all the people i couldve ever got married to it just happened to you ) I said to him.

He just rolled his eyes in annoyance and quickly opened the door for me. Getting out a bunch of photographers took our pictures.

"Mr and Mrs Rivera you look stunning tonight" said one of them. "Can I get picture of you separately ?" She asked again.

"Not tonight" said Lorenzo as he guided me away from them.

"quam odiosis "
(How boring)

"Victoria I'm gonna need you to drop the Latin" he said to me as we stood at the entrance.

I gasped and held my hand to my chest. "narras me ad stillabunt mea cultura"
(Are you telling me to drop my culture)

"It gets boring to a certain point. I know you're just doing it to pester me." He added. Putting his hand at the small of my back.

"I know I forced you to come here and forced you to follow my rules but know I did this all for your safety." He said to me

"ora usiamo una lingua, sì?"
(No let's use one language , yes)

"Whats that supposed to mean ?" I asked him with a frown plastered on my face.

"That's exactly how I felt when I endured 40minutes of you talking to me in Latin and me not understanding a single word." He said to me.

"But yes I just said let's use the same language" he said to me.

"Oh Mr Rivera , what a pleasure to have you with us tonight. I was beginning to think you wouldn't show" said a middle aged man.

" we got delayed. My wife had a draw back minutes before our departure from home" he said looking at me with an accusing eye.

"That's alright now follow me" he said to Enzo but he just stood still.

"Not tonight Mr Sherman. My wife and I are gonna spend the evening together.

"How romantic" he said to us but that was freaking creepy what the fuck was that.

Yes. Let me tell you how it all happened. I did say I didn't wanna come to this charity ball thing after he'd told me I wouldn't get to talk to my brothers.

I got angry but he wasn't having any of it.

He let me think I won when he let me go up the stairs but he followed me all the way to my room. Well ours technically but still.

Getting there, he threw me over his shoulder and only let go of me when I was getting into the car.

He gave me a harsh warning that had me squirming in my seat.

Anyway I decided to bore him all the way here by speaking in Latin and I'm sure I gave him a headache.

Ha ! I win.

"Alicìa, infantem soror est quam tu? "
( Alice, baby sister is that you? )

I knew that voice. It was Alexio's. I wanted to turn and look at him. To try and f6und anything that's changed about him.

I looked at Lorenzo who had his jaw clenched and looked as though he was having an inner battle with himself.

"fanculo questo , you have 5minutes with him and not a second more. Don't go anywhere" he said before he let go of me and went about his own way.

The absence of his touch on my body felt cold. I wanted his warmth back on me.

" Alicìa " he said and engulfed me in a hug. Pulling away his eyes were glossy. "quomodo es amica ?"
(how are you my friend?")

"Alexio , I'm fine. Don't cry?" I said wiping away the tear that had fallen from his eye.

"How's Alessandro ?" I asked him.

"He's alright. He wasn't exactly convinced that you'd be coming so he didn't come. " he explained to me.

"It's okay."

W talked about everything we could've talked about and that's when I realised. 5minutes with him wasn't ever going to-be enough but I couldn't change that.

"Shall we go" he said with his hand reclaiming it's position.

"Take care of yourself Alex" I said to him before kissing his cheek and turning to go with my boring husband.

"They are about to begin the auctions." He said leading me to our seats.

"If you see anything you like. Just tell me , yes ?" He said to me and I nodded.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Tonight's auction is going to be different. We're not just going to be auctioning jewellery , cars , houses etc today." Said the speaker.

"This year in tonight's event were also going to be auctioning people. Not in a bad way of course." He added and the crowd chuckled.

"We're going to bring you 5 men and 5 women from the crowd and the highest bidder can enjoy the rest of tonights event with their chosen person. " He informed. "Sounds good ?" He asked and the crowd cheered him on.

"Okay , we'll start with the men. As soon as your picture is shown on the big screen to your left please make your way to the stage. It's going to be a very long evening so let's make it quick." He said and everyone turned their attention to the big screen on the left.

"I don't like this " I muttered. Lorenzo took my hand in his and gave it a light squeeze.

The first two men I didn't even know them but hey , its not like I do know anyone here. The third , fourth and last , boy I knew them alot.

It was Lorenzo , Mario and Alexio. All three of them stood together on that stage.

Lorenzo looked pissed. Mario seemed unbothered. Alexio had his eyes scanning the room as if he was looking for someone until his eyes met mine.

"You bid for me" he mouthed and my eyes literally popped out of my sockets because that was the same thing Lorenzo had asked me to do before he'd made his way to the stage.

"Jesus Christ , I'm dead. I'm soo dead. I'm as good as dead" I said to myself over and over again.

How the hell I'm a gonna make a decision on this.

I can't pick my husband over my brother and I definetly can't pick my brother over my husband.

"Fuck , what am I gonna do" I asked myself rubbing my temples.

"And sold !"

"Who's sold?" I asked myself looking at the stage and it was the guy with the bold head.

" I could bid for them both" I said to myself.

"And also another rule has been added to the game" announced the speaker. "Noone is allowed to bid for two different people" he said.

"If you've won one , you can not bid for another person. " He explained.

It's official , I really really hate this game.

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