Chapter 37 : meeting her

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I ended the call with Alicia about ten minutes ago but I'm still sitting in this damn car not going out.

"Come Rivera she's right there. I've already confirmed 4 times. " said Mario  who was sitting in front.

"I know. You told me that a little while ago " I said to him and I began tapping my fingers against the back of my phone and trying to relax myself.

"Alicia wouldn't want to know that you travelled all this way just to sit in the car and not to actually meet your mother." He said again looking at me.

"What if I get out  of this car and go there only to find out that she doesn't even want to see me?" I asked him and he shook his head with a slight chuckle coming out of his mouth.

" That means you  aren't  observant today at all" he said. "She is constantly looking at her watch , then her phone just to make sure she's got the time right. She's even constantly  checking the name of the restaurant  you suggested you meet just to make sure she's at the right place. And lastly she's looking around just to see if she recognises you through the people going in and out of the place." He said and everything he did mention was completely  true.

"But then here's what she doesn't know, the person she's so eagerly waiting for doesn't even want to meet her." He said in a sad tone.

I just kept on looking at her. Just then a man came out of the restaurant. Judging by his attire he must be the manager or something of that sort.

He began talking to her  and with the way his hand gestures were going about  he was asking her to leave. The way he's pointing and his watch and the door explains how she's been waiting for long outside that restaurant  and has to leave.

She isn't leaving though rather she looks like she's pleading for a few minutes. She explaining that she keeps pointing back at her probably communicating that she's waiting for someone to come.

Just then the manager grabbed her roughly by the arm and pushed her hard almost causing her to fall. She gained her balance by holding on the rail but she hit her head on to it.

"He's dead" said Mario when he noticed me pulling out my gun and getting out of the car.

And he was dead for sure.  I took my gun and shot him 3 times in the head.

"Clean this up" I said and my men nodded before they began dragging the body to the back of the building.

Turning to look at her. Her forehead was bleeding but she was holding a cloth against it.

"Are you okay?" 

She just nodded but did not take her when off me even for a second.

"You look exactly like him. You look like a complete  replica of him." She whispered as she used  her hands to cup my face.

"Josiah" she whispered with her eyes filled with tears.

I'm guessing  that's the name she used for me and not Lorenzo.

"Look at you.  You've grown into a wonderful man. My baby" she said with a soft voice before pulling me into a hug.

Her hug felt different from  the other woman's hugs.  I felt the love  and security which i never really got from Abramo's wife. It almost felt like everything before this was a lie and this alone was the comforting truth.

We had to leave the place because of the incident  that happened   a few moments ago.

We took the meeting to one of my restaurants  and  settled there.

"Tell me , how are you?" She asked  me.

I looked at her. Her eyes looked at me with so much care and longing. There was nothing but love in her aura.

"I-I'm not sure what to call you. But to be honest , I'm a bit confused." I said to her and she nodded her head.

"I can understand. I understand too that you must have some questions you want to ask me." She said.

"Tell me , what is it that you want to know. I'll help you fill in the gaps as much as I can" she said.

"How did you guys meet?"

"It was in Barcelona  the first time. I was waitressing  the restaurant  he'd come in for a meeting. He saved me from some drunkards who had been misbehaving with me and even offered to give me a lift  home after my shift. " she explained.

"We got to know each other and he told me he was not married but was looking forward to it in the future. He-"

"Wait he told you he wasn't married ?" I asked  her and she nodded.

"Did he perhaps mention  a son or anything  along those lines?"

Rosalia shook her head before answering "No , he always  mentioned that he's frequent visit back here was a way to escape a lonely house back in Italy."  She said.

"Oh , its fine continue"

"I introduced him to my mother and everything was absolutely well. He never really liked talking about his work and I never bothered him about it either. " she explained.

"It was 9 months into our relationship when I found out that I was pregnant. I went to 3 different doctors to confirm  it  before I finally broke the news to him. He was over the moon when I told him about it. He insisted  that I move back to Italy but I couldn't leave my mother  , I was the only one left to take of her so I couldn't bring myself to leave  her and go." She said and looked down  while wiping a lone tear that  had  escaped  her eye.

"So after all that Abramo  became a bit distant. He wouldn't frequent his visit and he never called.  I knew at some point he'd disappear into thin air so I had to work twice as hard to provide for  both you who was growing inside of me  and mom." She said.

She looked up and saw  how disturbed I was with all this so she took my hand into hers and squeezed it a bit.

"It's okay,  it was all worth it at the end. I mean I got you at the end of all this didn't I?"  She said with a faint smile and I nodded.

"So uh , after I gave birth to you  I couldn't stop working so I had to find jobs that would at least cater for my postpartum period and the one I got was demanding but worth it. I had to work for 18 hours straight  from 4am to  9pm  everyday. The pay was substantial. According to the plan I was to do this for about 3 months tops then launch my own small diner. "

"Mom supported me in every way possible. We even got someone to look after you while I was a work. Mom used to call you Bubba but always complained about your loud crying" she said and smiled a bit.

"It would be a lie if I told you that everything  was okay , it was hard but coming back home to you was always the best part of  my day. I would always look forward to it until one day.  I got home and  the house was nothing but quiet. No cries coming from your crib not even mom complaining rather I was met by your baby sitter doing the crying while mom held her face in her hands. " 

"She told me Abramo had  come and taken you. Mom begged him to at least wait for my return but he didn't rather all he left was a phone with a voice note." She said pulling out an old phone and she gave it to me.

I played the voice  note. "Let's be real Rosalia , you won't be able to provide for him. Your financial  status can not even match mine even if you tried your whole life.  You were so eager to know where I work so much were you not. Well then let me give it to you. I am Abramo , the Abramo Rivera  the Don of the Italian Mob and if  you dare try to do anything stupid you can say goodbye to your mother and don't worry  about your son my wife will take great care of her."  And the voice note ended.

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