Chapter 23 - Enoch tells on

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I drove  to my warehouse where all the new recruits were lined up waiting for me.

"How many made it from the last training ?"  I asked Mario who was with me for the training.

"Only 12  , 7 males and 5 females. " He replied  and i just nodded. "So what do you need me here for. They aren't done training are they ?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Yeah , they aren't but  they need straightening  up. These mother fuckers are disrespectful to the last extent."  He said looking at a particular girl.

"What's  her name ?"

"Like every other whore who's out there. "


He rolled his eyes and punched my arm. "I know you're  jealous of me because I'm still  single and free  to do what I want."

"I think I'm happy being married to my wife " I told him and he nodded.

"But hey  listen , I need your help with something ?" I told him as I led him to my office.

"Listen  , I know this is one of the oddest things I could ask but-" I closed my eyes and exhaled deeply.

"Did you tell my mother about Alicia's threats ?" I asked him and he shook his head. "To be honest man , I'm scared of your mom. Talking to her is another issue"  he replied and I nodded.

"Why thou , what's going on ?" He asked me and I just shook my head. "Its just that earlier  when we left you guys in the gym we met mom. She was going out and she mentioned the note Alicìa  received" I explained to him.

" maybe , one of her guards told her." Suggested Tom as he got into the office.

"No , they don't even know about that." I replied.

"Then who  ?"  Asked Mario.

"Fuck , find out " I said to them and they nodded before leaving me in  my office alone.

I sunk deeper into my chair and closed my eyes. The fact that mom mentioned all of this is haunting me.

Her strange behaviour  the past few days isn't even helping my case. 

Just then my door opened.  I kept my eyes closed. I knew someone must've brought files in for me.

"Keep them on the desk and  leave " I said.

Just then I felt   someone seating on my lap and  putting their hands on my shoulders.

"The fuck" I said opening my eyes to meet an unfamiliar pair of green eyes.

"I'm Cassey , your new recruit" she said pressing on me more. "Hi"  she said biting her lower lip. "Anything I can  do for you ?" She asked as she begun unbuttoning  my shirt.

I held  her hands then looked at her in the eye and held her in a choking position whilst standing up.

She began battling with my one hand that was pressed up on her throat.

"Listen , I'm a very lenient  person. I even put up a sign written AUTHORISED PERSONALS  up on my door. Did you not see it ?" I asked her.

"Did you NOT!" I yelled

"I-i-i did" she struggled to say.

"Then ?" I asked her.

"I-i-i s-so-sorry" she said as her eyes began to rolled backwards.

I let her go and she fell to the floor coughing. Just then  Mario got back into my office and saw the scene unfold.

"I knew you'd put her in place. Now there's something you need to see." He said leading my out of the office.

"Our men found the boss of the prisoner" he informed me.

Getting to the basement I found a bulky  looking dude  with his hair plaited.

"Well , well , well. If it isn't the fierce Lorenzo  Rivera "  he said mockingly as I sat down infront of him with a table separating us.

"I was hoping I would meet you in person and here you are" he said  as he ran his hand through his plaited hair before tracing his tattoo.

"Enoch" I said looking at the tattoo.

"That's not my name however it is the name of my son" he said proudly.

"So how's this going down. The easy way or painful way because I don't really mind either. " I told him and he chuckled before shifting comfortably in his seat.

"Don't worry. Now The Shadow knows I'm a snitch. I made sure he knew myself before I got into business with him." He told me.

"So tell me Rivera , what do you wanna know?" He said.

"Why did you attack my wife?" I asked him and he seemed shocked but recovered immediately.

"I'd be lying  if I said I knew  the Donna was in those cars. I just followed Shadows orders to attack  the  car with the Rivera name plate and even after we trashed the one at the spar's car park he encouraged us to attack the ones which had come to pick up a lady. I'm guess that's your wife?"

"Yes"  I responded. "But why did he send you?"

"Why should I care. Its only the money that makes m-" but I cut him short by slamming my hand on the table.

"YOU SHOULD CARE!!" I yelled. "You could've killed my wife." I said and flipped the table removing it from in between us.

I stalked towards him as he tried to move away but how could he. He was cuffed to his chair.

"Look man , I'm sorry. That slipped  out" he said looking at me in fear.

"What is he's name ?" I asked him

"Who?"  He dared to ask me and I chuckled darkly and looked at him.

I bent down  to look   at him maintaining  eye contact.

"You think  I'm asking about your high school teacher ?" I asked in a calm voice that screamed furry.

"I-i-I don't k-know ?" He said almost in tears.

"Then fucking describe him " I said to him.

He remained quiet as if he was contemplating whether to tell me or not.  Fear drived this fucking idiot and fear is what I was going to plant in him.

I took out my gun and aimed directly at his head.

"I really don't mind blowing your brains out " I told him as I got ready to pull the trigger.

I stepped back a little and raised my gun a bit higher as he closed his eyes ready  for the impact.

I fired my gun and the bullet went above his head but the motherfucker screamed like a baby.

"Oh don't you worry. I won't kill you. Not unless you tell me who the fuck  sent you to  attack my wife" I said to him.

He was shaking so much it was annoying.

"I'll tell you" he said in a small voice. "I don't know much about him. I've seen him a couple times to know he's dangerous." He told me.

"You might not believe  me but I speak the truth" he added. "He looks like the older version  of you. Everything about you and him is the same." When he told me  that,  I felt all anger radiate inside me.


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